Section 3 Cold War at Home “In a free country, we punish men for the crimes they commit, but never for the opinions they have.” Chapter 18 Section 3 Cold War at Home
Fear of Communist Influence Why was there “good reason” to be fearful of the security of the United States? Soviets dominate Eastern Europe Soviets test atomic bomb China becomes communist N. Korea invades S. Korea 100,000 Americans join Communist Party
Loyalty Review Board Purpose was to investigate government employees and to dismiss those who were found to be disloyal to U.S. government 1947- 1951 over 3 million employees investigated Individuals under investigation were not allowed to see evidence against them
House Un-American Activities (HUAC)- congressional committee that investigated Communist influence inside and outside the U.S. government Was there Communist propaganda in the movie industry? Hollywood Ten- refused to testify because they believed the hearings were unconstitutional. They went to prison. Blacklist – a list of people allegedly having a Communist background
McCarran Act 1950 McCarran Internal Security Act – unlawful to plan any action that might lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in U.S. Truman vetoes bill however, Congress overrides the veto