Overview of Polarized 3He Target


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of Polarized 3He Target Jian-ping Chen, Jefferson Lab A1n/d2n Collaboration Meeting, Dec. 10, 2018 Polarized 3He target: introduction and 6 GeV performance Target for A1n/d2n Upgrade Current status and plan Engineering/mechanical Target system Summary

Polarized He3 Target Upgrade for A1n/d2n Hall C A1n/d2n goals: 30 uA on 40 cm , ~10 atm, L ~ 2.2x1036 cm-2s-1 In-beam polarization ~ 55-60%, Polarization measurement precision ~ 3% Design, components and plan Updated design and installation design all complete (Bert Metzger) Mechanical parts ordered/arrived or arranged to be available for installation Lasers/long fibers in target lab. Spare lasers ordered 4-1 combiners tested (Junhao Chen) Tests, calibrations and studies on going at JLab target lab: Cell characterization, testing components (Junhao Chen (W&M)) Pulse NMR (Mingyu Chen (UVa)) EPR Melanie Rehfuss (Temple)) Installation plan and preparation Documents: target OSP and LSOP approved

Peoplepower/User Contributions At JLab: students + engineer/designer + JP (supervisor/coordinator) Three graduate students Junhao Chen (W&M, Todd’s group) Mingyu Chen (Uva, Xiaochao’s group) Melanie Rehfuss (Temple, Zein-Eddine’s group) At user target labs : UVa (Gordon Cates): cell fabrication (one at JLab, several at UVa, Gordon’s talk) k0 measurement W&M (Todd Averett) Reference cell system/cooling jets Kentucky (Wolfgang Korsch) field direction measurement

Plan Establish fully functional target system at JLab target lab Pulse NMR with Lock-in/DAQ fully calibrated Fully function EPR with final configuration Water calibration in target lab cross calibration with EPR Establish cell density/thickness measurements Fully characterize 1st target cell cell production at UVa continue to reach total of 10 cells Fully characterize all cells Establish field direction (COMPASS) measurements (Uky) Reference cell system (W&M) Test existing components EPICS work for control system Prepare for target field mapping with compensation coils/Bender magnet Assistant with installation Have some tasks done during April-June down time