Lessons to be learned from the exercise


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons to be learned from the 2011-2012 exercise Doc.A65/13/08 Unit C3 Lessons to be learned from the 2011-2012 exercise Working Group on A65 and Annex XI of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg on Friday 22 March 2013 at 09:30 am

Outline of the presentation Use of the SRQ for 2011-2012 exercise Why a SRQ? Are countries using the SRQ? Do countries respect the timetable? Is the SRQ completed in full? Lessons to be learned for the 2013 exercise From SRQ to SI Reminder of methodology Available results for 2012 (EU27)

Why a Standard Remuneration Questionnaire? March 2011 A65WG decided to again use SRQ: Renew March 2007 decision : that all MS would use it Renew March 2009 decision : send SRQ via e-DAMIS Renew March 2011 decision : limit dissemination The SRQ aims: To collect all data required to estimate the Country Specific Indicator (SI) To provide additional information To standardize data collection

Did countries use the 2012 SRQ ? Table 1a of document Situation at 1.3.2013 Did countries use the 2012 SRQ ? Used SRQ ? Sample Other Provided extra information? Sample Other Yes 8 16 FR, NL BG No - 6 15 Missing EE part (FI, RO) EE, FI, RO 19

Did countries use e-DAMIS? No table in document Situation at 1.3.2013 Did countries use e-DAMIS? 2012 Sample Other Yes 4 15 No ES, FR, LU, NL DK Missing - EE, FI, RO 8 19 NB. eDAMIS is official transmission tool some access problems reported by FR and DK

Timing of first data transmission Table 2 of document Situation at 1.3.2013 Timing of first data transmission Sample of 8 Timing 2012 2011 Before deadline 6 7 Aug. 1 - Sep. Oct. longer Missing 8 19 non sample countries Timing 2012 2011 Before deadline 12 15 Jan. 3 Feb. 1 - Mar. longer Missing EE, FI, RO BG 19 For most countries, date of 2012 first transmission is similar than 2011…THANK YOU

Number of data transmissions required Table 2 of document Situation at 1.3.2013 Number of data transmissions required send 2012 2011 +0 3 12 6 +1 4 1 - 2 +2 +3 more Missing 3* 1** 27 * No SRQ for Estonia, partial data for Romania & Finland in 2012 ** No SRQ for Bulgaria in 2011 At first sight it appears that more transmissions were necessary in 2012. For 2012 we did receive data from Bulgaria, but because of a new pay system comparison is not possible. No salary data were received from Finland (discussions are ongoing) nor from Romania and Estonia (both expected during March).

Data validation status Table 2 of document Situation at 1.3.2013 Data validation status Sample of 8 Timing 2012 2011 Before Sept. 6 5 - 1 Oct. 2 Nov. Dec. N/A 8 19 non sample countries Timing 2012 2011 Before Jan. 1 3 11 14 Feb. 2 - Mar. More N/A BG,FI,RO,SI RO 18* 18+ + No data for Bulgaria * No data for Estonia

Reminder: content of the SRQ Personnel (by category and grade). - Sample and reference population Current salary - Gross, net and compulsory deductions. - Minimum, median & maximum values by grade. - Two marital statuses. Components of salary (explain the changes). Working time (hours of work, leave, retirement age, …). Legislative texts.

SRQ Table 1 (“Staff”) Table 3 of document Situation at 1.3.2013 SRQ Table 1 (“Staff”) Data reference year updated to 2012 for most (=21) countries. - Greece data refers to 2010 - Spain data refers to 2011 - Italia data refers to 2010 - Slovenia data refers to 2009 no data for Estonia Sample coverage exceeds 75% for most countries. - Bulgaria, Estonia & Finland Not Available - Slovakia = 30.5% - United Kingdom (= 8 depts.) = 69.8 (Note: staff numbers were discussed in detail at 2008 A65WG).

SRQ Table 2 (“Current salary”) Table 4b of document Situation at 1.3.2013 SRQ Table 2 (“Current salary”) No salary for median step from Italy, Luxembourg and UK. No min/max salary for Denmark, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden. No married data for UK, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Poland and Sweden (ie. marital status is not relevant) These differences are normal: the salary systems are different in each Member State. Data is coherent with Table 1 (“staff”)

SRQ Table 3 (“Components of gross”) Table 5a of document SRQ Table 3 (“Components of gross”) Explanations were provided and helpful.

Conclusions As agreed, full use of SRQ and e-DAMIS THANK YOU Waiting salary data from Estonia, Romania & Finland. Timely transmission THANK YOU 31.12.2012 (non sample) and 31.7.2012(sample of 8) transmission deadlines broadly met Timely validation THANK YOU 31.12.2012 (non sample) and 31.7.2012(sample of 8) validation deadlines broadly met Well completed THANK YOU Detailed clarifications only required for certain countries Tables 1+2 consistent Table 1 fresh data supplied by most countries Median (+min +max) for most countries Married+Single for most (except where irrelevant) Most countries supplied explanations (Table 3) Many countries supplied references to legislation (Table 5)

Lessons to be learned for the 2013 exercise? Delegates are invited : to identify any particular difficulties they encountered, and suggest potential process improvements to recommend improvements to reports A possible lesson for the proposed reform: In total, 9 MS required more than one transmission/contact Systems/procedures may need to be reviewed? NOTE REPORTING TIMETABLE IS NOW SAME FOR EVERYONE

Getting from SRQ to country SI… See method manual, appendix two for a worked example

EU27 country specific indicator values for 2012 Delegates are invited to : Take note of the detailed information contained in the room documents: Annex 2 report for the 8 countries in the sample (doc A65/13/09) Annex 2 report for remaining 19 Member States (doc A65/13/10)