Putative targets of miRNAs directly induced by p53 with down-regulated mRNA- and de novo protein synthesis or reduced de novo protein synthesis only. Putative targets of miRNAs directly induced by p53 with down-regulated mRNA- and de novo protein synthesis or reduced de novo protein synthesis only. Predicted miRNA targets with (A) down-regulated mRNA- and de novo protein synthesis, (B) reduced de novo protein synthesis only are displayed. Known miRNA targets are underlined and targets experimentally validated in this study are marked with a black arrow. Proteins that showed a heterogeneous distribution of fold changes in independent experiments (class II candidates, see Experimental procedures) are marked with an asterisk (*). Sabine Hünten et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2015;14:2609-2629 © 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.