Switch to RAL-containing regimen ARV-trial.com Switch to RAL-containing regimen Canadian Study CHEER Montreal Study EASIER SWITCHMRK SPIRAL Switch ER 1
Montreal Study: Switch ENF to RAL Pilot, open-label retrospective study 28 adults on salvage therapy with enfuvirtide-based regimen and HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL Switch of enfuvirtide to RAL 400 mg bid, the remainder of the salvage regimen being unchanged. At the time of the switch: ENF had been administered for a median of 25 months Salvage regimen: 1 PI/r, N = 27, 1 NNRTI, N = 6 Follow-up of 6 months available for 27/28 patients 26 maintained HIV-1 RNA < 50 c/mL 1 single blip at 56 c/mL at W24 No significant changes in the CD4 counts ENF-related injection site reactions resolved in all patients RAL was well tolerated Montreal Talbot A, JAIDS 2009;51:362-4