Impact of Operative and Postoperative Factors on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Cardiac Operations  J. William Gaynor, MD, Christian Stopp, MS, David.


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Presentation transcript:

Impact of Operative and Postoperative Factors on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Cardiac Operations  J. William Gaynor, MD, Christian Stopp, MS, David Wypij, PhD, Dean B. Andropoulos, MD, Joseph Atallah, MD, FRCPC, Andrew M. Atz, MD, John Beca, MD, Mary T. Donofrio, MD, Kim Duncan, MD, Nancy S. Ghanayem, MD, Caren S. Goldberg, MD, Hedwig Hövels- Gürich, MD, Fukiko Ichida, MD, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD, Robert Justo, MD, Beatrice Latal, MD, Jennifer S. Li, MD, William T. Mahle, MD, Patrick S. McQuillen, MD, Shaji C. Menon, MD, Victoria L. Pemberton, RNC, MS, Nancy A. Pike, RN, PhD, Christian Pizarro, MD, Lara S. Shekerdemian, MD, Anne Synnes, MDCM, Ismee Williams, MD, David C. Bellinger, PhD, MS, Jane W. Newburger, MD, MPH J. William Gaynor, MD, Christian Stopp, MS, David Wypij, PhD, Dean B. Andropoulos, MD, Joseph Atallah, MD, FRCPC, Andrew M. Atz, MD, John Beca, MD, Mary T. Donofrio, MD, Kim Duncan, MD, Nancy S. Ghanayem, MD, Caren S. Goldberg, MD, Hedwig Hövels- Gürich, MD, Fukiko Ichida, MD, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD, Robert Justo, MD, Beatrice Latal, MD, Jennifer S. Li, MD, William T. Mahle, MD, Patrick S. McQuillen, MD, Shaji C. Menon, MD, Victoria L. Pemberton, RNC, MS, Nancy A. Pike, RN, PhD, Christian Pizarro, MD, Lara S. Shekerdemian, MD, Anne Synnes, MDCM, Ismee Williams, MD, David C. Bellinger, PhD, MS, Jane W. Newburger, MD, MPH  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  Volume 102, Issue 3, Pages 843-849 (September 2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.05.081 Copyright © 2016 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Terms and Conditions

Fig 1 Standardized Psychomotor Development Index (PDI) and the Mental Development Index (MDI) means by year of birth category. The standardized means plot predicted PDI and MDI and standard error bars based on a model with year of birth category adjusting for center, patient and preoperative factors, operative management factors, and postoperative events at the mean value of the covariates. Overlaid are standardized means plots based on continuous year of birth. The dotted line represents the normative mean of 100 for both PDI and MDI. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2016 102, 843-849DOI: (10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.05.081) Copyright © 2016 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Terms and Conditions