Maps available in WISE WISE Working Group D, DG Env Brussels 07-04-2011 Jon Maidens, Atkins Danmark a/s
WISE maps online Released december 2010
May WISE maps release updates Further development of pop-up windows to increase the amount of information for the user SWB ecological – status, QE status, exemptions, pressures SWB chemical – status, exceedances, exemptions, pressures GWB chemical – status, pressures, exceedances, exemptions, trends GWB quantitative – pressures, exemptions SWST and GWST in development RBD map – Significant pressures by type symbolised, more information on pop-up
New WISE maps for May Protected areas to be shown with Natura2000, Nitrate vulnerable zones, UWWTsenstitive areas Confidentiality issue on data reported data regarding drinking water – feedback welcomed Flood map showing Units of Management with RBDs, which are management units in majority of countries