The Early Middle Ages
Before we begin… B.C/A.D B.C.E/C.E There is a prize for the first person who can WRITE out the long form of these abbreviations. B.C/A.D B.C.E/C.E
Before we begin… B.C/A.D = Before Christ/After Death There is a prize for the first person who can WRITE out the long form of these abbreviations. B.C/A.D = Before Christ/After Death B.C.E/C.E = Before Common Era/Common Era
Why do you think this was a good place to have an Empire? The Roman Empire Why do you think this was a good place to have an Empire?
Who learnt about the Roman Empire in Elementary school Who learnt about the Roman Empire in Elementary school? What can you remember? Things we know about the Romans…
Who learnt about the Romans in Elementary school? What can you remember? Things we know about the Romans… They copied ancient Greek art and architecture Built the Roman Colosseum, beautiful buildings, and roads Many people learnt to read and write Developed a system of law. Some are the same today! Eg. The right to a fair trial. They used taxes and slaves as a way to control the people Spent lots of money on Entertainment such as gladiator fights. Women/Non-Romans/Slaves had NO rights (think back to last day!)
Life in the Roman Empire – Stations!
Today we’ll look at two empires: Merovingian and Carolingian
Look on page 21 of your text Look on page 21 of your text. Find three interesting facts about the Franks
The Franks (*means free) Ancient Rome broke up Germanic people moved into the area – one of these groups was the Franks Took over Gaul (now called France) They were farmers that loved to fight! Loved Jewelry Wore their hair long
The Merovingian's The Merovingian royal family ruled the Franks for over 300 years The most successful ruler (Clovis I) founded France and made Paris the capital When Clovis died his kingdom was given to his children. They were not great leaders. Can you guess what happened?
The Merovingian's The Merovingian royal family ruled the Franks for over 300 years The most successful ruler (Clovis I) founded France and made Paris the capital When Clovis died his kingdom was given to his children. They were not great leaders. Can you guess what happened? Many became greedy and murdered their family members to become more powerful
Page 22 – look at the crime vs punishment The Laws of the Franks The Franks had their own legal code (different to Roman law) These were written down and collected (called the Salic code) Salic Code Said that everything and person had a value Eg. If a person was injured the individual who hurt them would pay a fine If a murder took place, the victims family could request death of the murderer instead of a fine Page 22 – look at the crime vs punishment
Everyday life among the Franks The Franks had social classes – some very rich and some very poor The poor were called ‘serfs’ Not slaves But were dependent on the wealthy for jobs However, the lords and rulers sometimes stole the crops that the serfs
Charlemagne (Charles the Great) Came to power in Western Europe in 768 – Was smart and powerful Created the Carolingian Empire Son of ‘Pepin the short’ Pepin became king after overtaking the Merovingian kingdom Governed his empire in Aachen (now Germany)
Charlemagne (Charles the Great) Charlemagne wanted to rebuild the civilization Tried to ensure people were treated properly Made laws that were more equal for everyone (benefitted the serfs)
Charlemagne’s Renaissance Improved education Had many stone churches and palaces built in France and Germany Loved science and literature Died at 72 (Ruled for 47 years) Remember the Romans also thought education was important?
Define and Answer: Merovingian Royal Family Carolingian Empire Social class Plague Renaissance Questions on page 27 1, 3 and 5