The Tudor Monarchs an overview Click to proceed by Bernard John Poole and Rebecca L. Randall
Click to proceed The Tudors There were six Tudor Kings and Queens. The family came to power in 1485 with the accession of Henry VII. In 1486 Henry united by marriage the families (and the roses) of York and Lancaster.
Henry VII Click to proceed Henry VII reigned from 1485 to 1509. He was the first Tudor king and he did much to unite England. He formed a personal bodyguard called the Yeomen of the Guard.
Click to proceed Henry VIII Henry VIII reigned from 1509 to 1547. He is famous for his six wives and for his establishment of the Church of England. Question: Why did Henry break with the Church of Rome? Answer (click on button)
Edward VI Click to proceed Edward VI reigned from 1547 to 1553. He was a bright lad, though not physically strong. Edward was fiercely Protestant and, because of him, so, too, was the Church of England. (Click on button if you missed the answer to the question on the previous slide)
Lady Jane Grey Click to proceed Lady Jane was queen for nine days. She was a grand niece of Henry VIII, so she had a claim to the throne. But the country rallied in support of Mary, daughter of Henry VIII by Catherine of Aragon.
Click to proceed Mary I Mary I, who reigned from 1553 to 1558, was the first Queen Regnant of England. In other words, she was the first Queen to reign in her own right,and not because she was married to a King. She died leaving no heir.
Click to proceed Elizabeth I Nicknamed Queen Bess, Elizabeth was the longest reigning English monarch (though her namesake Elizabeth II may well break that record if she can survive till 2016!)
Acknowledgements Life in Tudor England The graceful Tudor rose that accompanies each slide was painted for the author by Dr. Netiva Caftori, a professor at Northeastern Illinois University. The pictures for this presentation were gathered from the following site on the World Wide Web: Life in Tudor England This site was developed and is maintained by Lara E. Eakins who works in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Texas (Austin) Click to proceed
By Bernard John Poole, with Rebecca Randall. This slide show was created to accompany the book ESSENTIAL Microsoft Office 2000: Tutorials for Teachers. By Bernard John Poole, with Rebecca Randall. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, NY, 2000. © Bernard Poole, Rebecca Randall, 2000