The PPAR-α agonist GW7647 increases the levels of apoA-I in the retina and the fibrous sclera. The PPAR-α agonist GW7647 increases the levels of apoA-I in the retina and the fibrous sclera. ApoA-I protein levels were examined on tissue sections (A–C) by immunohistochemistry using fast red staining. A, representative eye section of a control animal injected with vehicle; the positions of the retina, choroid, and sclera are indicated. B, representative eye section of an animal treated with −7 D lens and injected with vehicle; the positions of the fibrous sclera and ganglion cell layer are indicated. C, representative eye section of an animal treated with −7 D lens and injected with 189 μg of GW 7649. ApoA-I levels are specifically increased in the fibrous sclera and ganglion cell layer. The diffuse staining in the choroids section is attributed to circulating apoA-I as there was no detectable signal with the secondary antibody alone (not shown). Eric Bertrand et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2006;5:2158-2166 © 2006 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology