Advanced College English
Instructor: David Connors E-Mail: Office: 1212 Admin. Office: 1306 Admin. Phone: 032-860-9254
Grading: 5% 5% Attendance 30% Participation Online Quizzes 20% Offline 5% 20% 25% Attendance Participation Online Quizzes Offline Quizzes Midterm Exam Final Exam
Grading: A B C, D,F 30% 40% 30% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 < 20 students = A:35 B:80 < 10 students = A:40 B:90
Attendance – 10% Absent 4 times = F 3 times late = -1 Excuses: military 3 times late = -1 Sleeping in class = -1
Participation – 5% In class participation Readings Homework Participation may include: In class participation ● actively talking with your partner ● asking and answering questions Readings ● complete the assigned readings before class Homework ● complete the assigned homework before class
Online Quizzes – 30% Weekly quizzes and assignments managed by your online professor.
Offline Quizzes – 5% In class quizzes based on the vocabulary and content from your textbook.
Midterm Exam – 25% Week 8 – written exam + reading exam Based on book readings and vocabulary.
Final Exam – 25% Week 15 - written exam + speaking exam Based on book readings and vocabulary.
Rules: No sleeping. No texting.
Don’t be silent! Practice makes perfect. Rules: Having a drink or snack is OK, but please clean up your trash. Don’t be silent! Practice makes perfect.
Have fun!