Summer Youth Employment Program – Information Session April 15, 2019 Notes on Using the HHR 2015 PowerPoint Template: To insert page numbering and date stamp, go to Insert-Slide Number. Check the date/time box and/or the slide number box. The Master slide has already been set to define the appearance (font, location, color). To change the design of a slide: Home Menu – Slides – Layout – Select the Desired Design. Slide options: Content with and without line, Meeting Agenda, Table of Contents, Title, Section Divider, Two-Column, Side-by-Side Column, Image, Timeline Create a theme color so that every time you open PowerPoint the Harvard colors will automatically appear in your color menu. Here are the steps: Click on Themes Click on the drop down menu for colors Click Create Theme colors Select each color and change it to the following: Text – Dark 1: Black Text – Light 1: White Text – Dark 2: Crimson, R-165 G-28 B-48 Text – Light 2: White Accent 1: Crimson, R-165 G-28 B-48 Accent 2: Slate, R-137 G-150 B-160 Accent 3: Mortar, R-140 G-129 B-121 Accent 4: Dark Gray, R-101 G-101 B-101 Accent 5: Light Gray, R-191 G-191 B-191 Accent 6: Medium Gray, R-128 G-128 B-128 Hyperlink: Bluebonnet, R-78 G-132 B-196 Followed Hyperlink: R-41 G-51 B-82 Name the color: Harvard Click apply to all
Who Are We Center for Workplace Development (CWD) Workforce Planning and Talent Mobility Team Michelle Gordon-Seemore Director, University-Wide Diversity and Recruitment Programs Kaycee Alexander Program Manager Evelyn Contreras Staff Assistant Maile Takahashi and Jim Barrows HPAC Partners
Our Community Partners Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) Established in 1979 Intermediary between business/industry + education & training systems + residents and workers of Boston In partnership with the Mayor’s Office and the Boston Public Schools, PIC Career Specialists and Employer Engagement Managers coordinate summer jobs and school-year internships for thousands of students each year. City of Cambridge The Office of Workforce Development (OWD) serves as a coordinating entity for many youth serving programs in Cambridge. Programs for teens include the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program, internships at Harvard, a career-readiness program and a service learning program The office brings together 20 agencies to share information and work on common issues.
Overview of Program The program will run from Monday July 8 through Friday August 16, 2019 The cost of a full-time student for the six-week term is $2,500 Your student will support your department for the duration of the program.
Overview of Program SYEP allows High School students to explore opportunities and career options in higher education while receiving mentorship from Harvard managers. The SYEP is an important component of our plan to invest in the future workforce Support university’s commitment in the areas of inclusion and belonging.
Benefits of Hiring an Intern Fill vacation and coverage gaps Finish outstanding projects Organize your office/files! Build a diverse talent pipeline and invest in your future workforce
Examples of Projects Students have assisted with: Filing projects Data entry Answering phones / serving as a receptionist Greeting clients and customers Internet research and benchmarking Inventory Think outside the box – work with us to assess your needs!
The Support from Our Team You’ll Receive: Work with the community partners and hiring managers to identify successful placements Provide a Manager Orientation for new and returning managers Host a Student Welcome Breakfast Host Student Development Workshops/ Lunch and Learns Serve as a Harvard liaison to support the success of each placement
Program Requirements Student workers are selected through one of Harvard’s community-based partnerships (Boston Private Industry Council, City of Cambridge) Students must be minimum of 16 years of age (the student must meet this age requirement by July 1) Students must be able to commit to a work schedule (i.e. up to 40 hours/5 days a week) Students must have appropriate waivers (working authorization and health screening approvals) prior to working for Harvard Hiring managers must be authorized by their local department at Harvard to make hiring decisions Hiring managers must abide by Harvard’s Policy on Youth Protection We handle the logistics of program registration
Timeline WHEN WHAT April 15th SYEP Informational Session April 30th Deadline for submitting requests May 1st-11th Matching begins May 13th -June 3rd Selection Process: On campus interviews June 17th & June 24th Hiring Manager Orientation July 8th Program begins August 16th Program concludes Farewell Reception
Cambridge and Boston will send 2 student resumes per position Interview Process We would like interviews to be conducted from 3:30-5:00 PM at 124 Mt. Auburn starting May 13th Cambridge and Boston will send 2 student resumes per position We will review the resumes & schedule 30 minute interviews Our team will send the interview confirmation to the student, manager & community partner Following the interview, the Hiring Manager & Student will receive a survey for feedback The Hiring Manager will determine which of the 2 students they would like to make an offer to If neither are a good fit, we will schedule additional interviews Once a decision is made, our team will send along the offer letter with all the details & inform the Hiring Manager
Next Steps This presentation will be posted on our website after this session with the link to request a Intern Please share with your colleagues!
Thank You! Questions?