AMATEUR RADIO TRAINING Licence Conditions v1.104 ©
LICENCE CONDITIONS Rules & Restrictions UK Callsigns Operating Practices Schedules & Band Plans
Ofcom The UKs Radio Regulator They have the right to inspect and test your radio equipment They can order the restriction or modification on your equipment, close down your station and/or revoke your licence You must notify Ofcom if you change your main station address
Amateur Radio Licence You must hold a valid licence, and abide by the terms of the licence Applies to all three licence levels – check what applies to Foundation Copy available from the Ofcom website:
Getting & Validating your Licence Getting your licence Create an account on the Ofcom Amateur Radio website Enter your candidate number to get your callsign Validating your licence Login and confirm details at least every 5 years – We recommend more frequently!
Amateur Radio Rules Not for commercial purposes You can only converse with other licenced amateurs You must not broadcast or make speeches Secret codes and encryption are not permitted Playing of music, bad language, offensive or threatening behaviour is not permitted You mustnt cause interference – You must test your station from time to time
Foundation Restrictions You cannot operate from outside the UK You cannot operate from an aircraft, or at sea Operation on Inland rivers, canals, etc. is allowed on the Landward side of the low water line on UK maritime maps You can only use certified radios or commercial kits (no construction at Foundation-level)
Callsigns LicenceCallsignPower LimitOther callsigns FOUNDATIONM6ABC10 wattsM3 INTERMEDIATE2E0ABC50 watts2E1 FULLM0ABC400 wattsG0,G1,G2,G3,G4,G5 G6,G7,G8, M1, M5 The following applies to operating from England:
Callsign Identifiers RegionIdentifierExamples England E (Intermediate only) M6ABC2E0ABC Scotland M MM0ABC2M0ABC Wales W MW6ABC2W0ABC Northern Ireland I MI0ABC2I0ABC Isle of Man D MD6ABC2D0ABC Jersey J MJ0ABC2J0ABC Guernsey U MU6ABC2U0ABC
Using your Callsign SuffixMeaningExample /M Mobile: Car, pedestrian or on inland waters MM6MMM/M /A Alternate Postal Address: Friends house, hotel 2E0AAA/A /P Temporary: Field event with no postcode M0PPP/P You must use your callsign: When calling CQ or making contact with an amateur When you change frequency at the start of transmission Every 15 minutes Suffixes: Recommended (and good practice) to use suffixes and to give your location.
Supervision A Licence-holder can let another UK licensed operator use their equipment under direct supervision. If you are letting someone use your callsign, they must adhere to your licence conditions. Example: A Foundation licence holder (M6ABC) could let a Full licence holder (M0ABC) use their station / callsign under supervision. The Full licence holder would be limited to the Foundation restrictions (i.e. 10 watts)
User Services In special circumstances, you may pass messages on behalf of User Services, or allow your equipment to be used by User Services User Services: British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, the St Andrew's Ambulance Association, the Womens Royal Voluntary Service, the Salvation Army Any Government Department Any Category 1 responder (Emergency services, principle local authorities, Environment Agency, NHS, etc.) Any Category 2 responder: (Utility companies, Network Rail, Airport operators, harbour authorities, etc.) Source: Civil Contingencies Act 2004
Good Practice / Handling Abuse Dont respond to anyone you believe is unlicensed Dont respond to any abuse you may encounter. Dont confront the perpetrator If it is persistent, keep a log The RSGBs AROS (Amateur Radio Observation Service) can help with repeated abuse Guidance on the Ofcom and RSGB websites
Schedule Part of your licence Copy provided with the exam Primary / Secondary Watch the exceptions
Band Plan In place to ensure amateur bands used fairly 2m and 20m plans supplied with the exam Telegraphy / Data mostly near the top Watch for beacons, repeaters and space comms Example-only. Visit RSGB web site for latest band plans
Logging No longer mandatory, but good practice and helpful for competitions Ofcom can mandate logging to help identify interference issues Commonly a paper-bound book or electronic file (keep it backed-up!)
Licence Conditions Summary You cant operate: From aircraft, at sea or overseas Not allowed: Transmission of music, broadcasting, construction (except for approved kits) Ofcom has power to inspect & close down your station Dont respond to any abusive behaviour Learn the required callsigns & suffixes Use the Schedule and Band Plans provided in the exam – and note the exceptions Handy links: