Just Basic Lessons 7&8 Mr. Kalmes
Lesson 7 Objectives Compare and contrast two different programs Analyze different arithmetic operators
Previous Program Create the following Program Compare the two programs Input “Enter a price, please: “; amount Let tax = amount*.07 Print “tax is: “; tax; “Total is: “; tax+amount [beginning] print "Type a dollar and cent amount." input "(Press 'Enter' alone for help) ?"; amount if amount = 0 then goto [help] let tax = amount * 0.07 print "Tax is: "; tax; ". Total is: "; tax + amount goto [beginning] [help] print "This tax program determines how much tax is" print "due on an amount entered and also computes" print "the total amount. The tax rate is 7%"
Journal Part 1 Please click on your journal and complete sections 1 & 2
Operators Definition: mathematical symbols that generate an action in the program Examples: a = b a is equal to b a <> b a is unequal to b a < b a is less than b a > b a is greater than b a <= b a is less than or equal to b a >= b a is greater than or equal to b
Calculator Please create a calculator program that includes: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide Sections Must be able to repeat Must be able to choose to repeat or end Must have a way to get around divide by zero
Lesson 8 Objectives Define strings Understand the purpose of strings in BASIC programming
Variable & Strings What is a variable? String: String variables hold strings of characters (numbers, letters, and symbols) that can be used later in the program. Examples: data$ age$ name$
String Program 1 Write the following program: input “Please type your age.”; age$ print “I can’t believe you are “; age$
String Program 2 Write the following program: input "What is your first name ?"; firstName$ input "What is your last name ?"; lastName$ let fullName$ = firstName$ + " " + lastName$ print "Your full name is: "; fullName$
Journal Part 2 Complete section 3 of your journal
Exit Slip Please complete your exit slip via google forms