Course Proposals Expedited Category II Proposal Workflow Visit the APA site to determine if this is the appropriate proposal type.. Proposal Preparation Stage 0: Proposal Development by Faculty in an Academic Unit College, School, Department, or Program Response to proposal questions Curriculum Proposal System (CPS) by the Academic Unit (Originator) Note: Proposal must remain in Draft Format APA: Curriculum Coordinator Stage 1: Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) Curriculum Coordinator Complete review of the proposal by APA; i.e., the proposal is pulled in Draft Format and reviewed for completeness. A syllabus is not required for these proposals. Registrar’s Office: Implementation Stage 2 Catalog Coordinator Registrar’s Office Implementation into the online Catalog (Proposal can be returned to the academic unit.) Banner Data Entry MyDegrees Data Entry Schedule Desk Notification Approval Step Note: The APA Super Administrator can move a proposal back to the originator only. With the current CPS it is not possible to move a proposal back to a previously reviewed and approved step. Source: OSU Office of Academic Programs and Assessment\glb\ch (10-13-15; 9-27-17, 7-23/18, 12/17/18, 1/14/19)