Niche and Local Marketing in Urban Fringe Agriculture


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Presentation transcript:

Niche and Local Marketing in Urban Fringe Agriculture Author Names INTRODUCTION PROJECT OVERVIEW Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce ultrices porta lacus. Proin convallis erat eu nuncNam mollis metus sed lorem ornare tristique. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis nunc odio, tempus ac, dapibus sit amet, posuere vitae, arcu [2]. Curabitur ut nulla ac odio bibendum rhoncus. Aliquam ut mi eu quam sollicitudin convallis. Donec venenatis [3]. Donec ultricies, lectus a commodo eleifend, velit libero facilisis turpis, sed tristique nunc tortor ac augue. [5]. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse semper pretium metus. Morbi quam lectus, tempor quis, luctus ac, ornare in, nisl. Aliquam accumsan tincidunt enim. GOALS/OBJECTIVES RESEARCH FINDINGS 1. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc ultricies diam quis augue. 2. Cras et mi. Integer in orci at eros vulputate cursus. Proin dictum. Nunc suscipit. Curabitur aliquet est commodo elit. 3. Ut non magna nec lectus cursus aliquam. Ut nec nisl nec pede pretium mattis. Cras ante urna, eleifend et, cursus in, gravida mollis, leo. Results Ut imperdiet lectus vel erat faucibus viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec ipsum. Ut at ipsum. Sed pretium purus tristique pede. Donec ipsum magna, pharetra sed, vehicula nec, accumsan a, magna. Further Areas of Research Suspendisse lobortis est eget turpis. Donec congue. Donec sodales ipsum non nunc. Nullam consectetuer, dui egestas consequat feugiat, lectus urna rutrum purus, vitae aliquam sem orci sit amet felis. Aliquam non lectus vitae quam aliquet scelerisque. DATA SOURCE Aenean ipsum ante, congue a, egestas vel, interdum non, quam. Sed venenatis, risus rhoncus aliquam laoreet, magna dolor ullamcorper lectus, et pharetra erat dolor non nisl. Duis placerat eros quis turpis. Suspendisse nec dolor eget mauris dignissim consectetuer. Figure 1: Title Legend information REFERENCES: 1. Curtis, J.R., et al., Intensive care unit quality improvement: A "how to" guide for the interdisciplinary team. Critical Care Medicine, 2006. 34(1): p. 211-218; 2. Gould, B., et al., Improving Patient Care Outcomes by Teaching Quality Improvement to Medical Students in Community-based Practices. Academic Medicine, 2002. 77(1): p. 1-18; 3. IOM, Health Professionals Education: A Bridge to Quality, ed. A. Greiner and E. Knebel. 2003, Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 4. .Moore, S.M., et al., Taking aim at interdisciplinary education for continuous improvement in health care. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 1997. 18(6): p. 308-315; 5. Clark, P., Institutionalizing interdisciplinary health professions programs in higher education: the implications of one story and two laws. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2004. 18(3): p. 251-256. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Funding of this project was supported by P-CITE Saskatchewan’s IECPCP Health Canada Project