California Colorado Connecticut
What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located? Sacramento What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located?
Alaska AK California CA Arizona AZ Arkansas AR Alabama AL
What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located? Denver What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located?
Alaska AK Colorado CO California CA Arizona AZ Arkansas AR Alabama AL
What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located? Hartford What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located?
Alaska AK CO CA Arizona AZ AR AL Colorado California Arkansas Alabama Connecticut CT Colorado CO California CA Arizona AZ Arkansas AR Alabama AL
What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located? Dover What’s the capital city? What’s the abbreviation? Where is it located?
Alaska AK CO CA Arizona AZ AR AL Colorado California Arkansas Alabama Connecticut CT Colorado CO California CA Delaware DE Arizona AZ Arkansas AR Alabama AL