THE SQUAT Feet shoulder width apart with knees soft Place arms out in front or behind head for balance Keep head level, look forward Keep chest up Reach hips back and lower down to parallel Knees and toes align Keep back straight Keep core tight Exhale on up/exertion NO NO’s DO NOT let knees go past toes. DO NOT let knees fall inside or outside of ankles DO NOT hold breath DO NOT lift heels off floor
THE LUNGE Back heel stays lifted, front heel stays down Stand with one foot forward and the other foot back in scissor position Back heel stays lifted, front heel stays down Both feet and knees point forward Lower back knee straight down, almost to the floor Push down on front heel to rise back up to start position Keep shoulders and hips vertically aligned Keep weight on heel of front foot Keep core tight Keep knees soft Exhale on up/exertion NO NO’s DO NOT let knee go past toes DO NOT slouch or bend forward DO NOT lift front heel off the floor
TECHNIQUE Begin with palms flat, fingers slightly spread and pointing forward, toes curled under Squeeze core to maintain ear to ankle alignment Wrists align with shoulders Bend elbows back and away from the body, lower body down toward the floor Go down 90 degrees or until the shoulders and elbows are parallel to the floor Push up to start position PUSH-UP NO NO’s DO NOT let hips sag down toward floor DO NOT raise buttocks up toward the ceiling DO NOT let thighs, hips, or belly touch the floor DO NOT drop or lift head DO NOT let shoulders shift behind or in front of hands
MODIFIED PUSH-UP Begin with knees on floor and hands under shoulders TECHNIQUE Begin with knees on floor and hands under shoulders From ears to knees, keep body in a straight line Bend arms out and away until reaching a 90 degree angle Keep core tight Push your self up maintaining a straight body NO NO’s DO NOT let hips sag down toward floor DO NOT raise buttocks up toward the ceiling DO NOT let thighs, hips, or belly touch the floor DO NOT drop or lift head DO NOT let shoulders shift behind or in front of hands
PLANKS High plank Low plank Place palms flat, fingers slightly spread and pointing forward, toes curled under, lift Vertically align wrists and shoulders Form a straight line from ears to ankles Squeeze core to maintain posture Place forearms and palms flat on floor, curl toes under, lift Vertically align shoulders and elbows Form a straight line from ears to ankles Squeeze your entire core to maintain the integrity of your straight line.
JACKS Stand up tall Feet together Arms at sides Jump feet apart while raising arms up above head. Fingers touch over head Jump feet together while bringing arms back down to sides to start position