Programme Grants for Applied Research


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Presentation transcript:

Programme Grants for Applied Research Elaine Hay and Rajinder Flora

Content Facts and figures Overview Selection Criteria Commissioning Process Programme Development Grants (PDG) Hints & Tips Refresh Q&A Programme Grants for Applied Research

NIHR - Funding Programmes Invention Evaluation Adoption Diffusion EME i4i RfPB PGfAR HS&DR HTA Programme Grants for Applied Research

2 >£490M 102 60+ PGfAR - Facts & Figures £3.2M total spend funding streams Programme Grants Programme Development Grants >£490M total spend £3.2M largest award 102 active projects 60+ months Programme Grants for Applied Research

1348 575 612 235 43% 17% 38% PGfAR - Facts and Figures Total number applications received Number Stage 1 shortlisted Number Stage 2 reviewed Number Funded 1348 575 612 235 Stage 1 shortlisted Stage 1 funded Stage 2 funded 43% 17% 38% Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Facts & Figures Programme Grants for Applied Research

Recent success rates by financial year PGfAR - Facts & Figures Recent success rates by financial year Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Facts & Figures Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR Overview Support programmes of research rather than individual studies No funding or time limit for individual awards, although funding in excess of £2.5million over more than 6 years is unusual Funding is made to an NHS Organisation in England working in collaboration with appropriate academic partners Two-stage assessment process Three competitions per year (launching February, June and October) and participation in NIHR themed calls Final Reports published by Journals Library Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR Supports Work whose emphasis is delivering research findings that will have practical application for the benefits of patients Applied health research (health services research; public health research; behavioural research; economic evaluations; and modelling) Balanced teams of leading researchers, from the NHS and academia working together, who can demonstrate an impressive track-record of achievement in applied health research Individual programmes consist of an interrelated group of high quality projects focused on a coherent theme, requiring multidisciplinary approaches including clinical, health economics, statistics, qualitative etc., to ensure that research objectives can be met. Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Selection Criteria Relevance to priorities and needs of the NHS Likelihood of significant benefits to patients and NHS Patient and public involvement (PPI) Quality of the proposed research Track record of applicants and appropriate mix of skills Value for money Programme Grants for Applied Research

External peer & lay reviewers PGfAR - Commissioning process Stage 1 Preliminary scrutiny Hit the deadline! Stage 2 External peer & lay reviewers Panel assessment Ratification Outcome notification Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Stage 1 panel & process Typically 10 members comprising: Programme Director, Stage 2 panel Chairs and general HSR experts from Stage 2 panels Core reviewing: 2 Designated Panel Members (DPMs), sub-panel, Programme Director review each application. Looking for: Rationale of the programme. Is this an important question for NHS, DHSC, patients? Will the research answer the question? Is this value for money / a good way to spend public money? Is there any hope of this research influencing practice /getting implemented/ improving outcomes? Patient benefits Team – can they deliver? PPIE – is it appropriate? Methodological – any bear traps? Shortlisted proposals: sent for detailed methodology review (stats, HE, behavioural, Qualitative & PPI) Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Stage 2 panel & process Applications sent for peer review Peer review reports (~8) and rebuttals but new process to be trialled Assessed at panel, comprises: 16 members including the Stage 1 reviewers Chair and Programme Director 2 PPI representatives 4 applied health services researchers including clinicians X2 each of Qualitative scientists; HP/behavioural scientist; HE; Statisticians DH ratification before notification Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - PDG Purpose: Currently, undertake preparatory work to strengthen a future PGfAR application Analysis indicates applicants find them challenging to understand and obtain Appetite to retain PDG scheme, hence under review Programme Grants for Applied Research

Hints & Tips PGfAR - Hints & Tips Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Hints & Tips What makes a successful application? A research question of importance to patients. A good story – argue your case well Necessary breadth and depth in team – clinical and methodological Ambitious and coherent proposal: whole greater than the parts Explicit and appropriate arrangements for PPI Methodological detail/rigour, identifies/addresses challenges Promises excellent value for money Clear plans for dissemination and implementation Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Hints & Tips Pay a LOT of attention to the ‘Abstract (in plain English)’ and ‘Summary of Research’ as they will be read most thoroughly You need to use these to grab attention!! Avoid ACRONYMS Remember panel members might not know the field – take nothing for granted Respond to feedback thoroughly (and politely!) Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Hints & Tips Patient and Public involvement should influence the research plans and be costed – not tokenistic Cost the programme carefully and justify it Think hard about duration, costs and value for money Pace the preparation of the application and certainly don’t leave submission to the last moment! Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR - Hints & Tips ‘Good writing will not save bad ideas, but bad writing will kill good ones.‘ The Art of Grantsmanship Professor Jacob Kraicer Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR Refresh Programme Grants for Applied Research

Proposals and diversity Encouraging diversity Patient Benefits PGfAR Content: Proposals and diversity Encouraging diversity Patient Benefits Partnering & Linkage Training Process General outlook Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR ACTIVITIES TO ENCOURAGE DIVERSITY: Series of RDS Roadshows in planning, targeting areas with little PGfAR funding or panel membership Refresh of guidance Further comms to disseminate message (e.g., Director’s message, examples of diversity previously funded etc.) Commissioned calls in under-funded areas and areas of DHSC focus, notably public health, inequalities etc., where possible Look at definition and interpretation of patient benefits More interaction with NIHR Schools (e.g., public health) Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR PATIENT BENEFITS: At the moment this is “3 - 5 years from the end of the programme” - perhaps a little constrained A more imaginative definition of patient benefits likely needed to encourage diversity More open interpretation of patient benefits also needed; should be expected throughout programme from each work package, not weighted towards the end Will continue to work with PPI panel members to shape meaning and interpretation of patient benefits Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR PARTNERING & LINKAGE: Encourage linkage with ARC’s and AHSN’s Explore co-funding with larger charities (e.g., Versus Arthritis) Seek to draw from Infrastructure and RfPB research pipeline where plausible Explore linkage with PRP to address policy needs more rapidly Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR TRAINING: Smaller PGfAR awards to develop current seniors to the next level NIHR Academy – let members observe panels as part of training Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR PROCESS: Look at peer review - currently feels excessive so will be trialling new process Review panel membership - currently ideal for reviewing proposals trying to develop complex interventions but not more diverse applications Refresh of panel review forms Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR MORE GENERALLY: VTCs: These are high which impacts overall PGfAR budget - would like to reduce number but first analyse reasons for them before any changes Application numbers: Low but steady despite prior marketing activities - would like to improve them and encouraging more diverse proposals could help Impact of PGfAR: Desk research underway to showcase impact of PGfAR Case studies of impact and increased comms activity Programme Grants for Applied Research

PGfAR WHAT COULD REFRESH LOOK LIKE: Increase in applications (and budget?) More diverse applications, whilst also meeting social and public health, healthcare needs Greater awareness of PGfAR and demonstration of its impact Better linkage with wider NIHR – pull through and supporting the needs of policy where possible More programmes finishing to time and target!! Programme Grants for Applied Research

Original concept sound; however Programme Development Grants Original concept sound; however Reviewing purpose and remit of scheme given current application numbers and relatively low success rate Programme Grants for Applied Research