Morning Warm- Up. Some people enjoy drawing. I like to paint Morning Warm- Up! Some people enjoy drawing. I like to paint. What would you like to do? What treasures can we create?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about what a girl and her mother find along the beach. Each object that the girl finds turns out to be just what she wanted. What do you dream about finding along a beach?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read about Vashti and her art class Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about Vashti and her art class. Each dot Vashti draws becomes a treasure. What treasures have you created in art class?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read about a great artist Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a great artist. He used tiny, round dots to make his art. What other shapes might artists use?
Morning Warm- Up. This week we read about surprising treasures Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about surprising treasures. Vashti’s doodle was one masterpiece that was a treasure. What treasure can you create with your imagination?