Changing life for the German people 1933-1939. What do I need to know? How did the Nazis tackle the economy? How did the lives of workers change? How did the lives of young people change? How did the lives of women change? How did the lives of Catholics change? How did the lives of Jews change? What was the police state? How was it used to control the people? How did the Nazis use propaganda to control the people? How did the Nazis restructure government? To get an E-D I must be able to... Extract information from sources. Give multiple reasons for changes to the lives of specific groups. Describe four key details on each topic. Give reasons why control over specific aspects of life were important to the Nazis. Give reasons why the lives of specific groups of Germans improved under Nazi rule. Give reasons why the lives of specific groups of Germans got worse under Nazi rule. To get a C I must be able to... Describe five key aspects of each topic in specific detail. Explain in detail two reasons for changes to the lives of specific groups of Germans. Explain why control over specific aspects of life were important to Nazis, giving evidence to support opinion. Explain reasons why the lives of specific groups of Germans improved under Nazi rule. Explain reasons why the lives of specific groups of Germans got worse under Nazi rule. To get a B I must be able to... Describe five key aspects of each topic in specific detail. Explain in detail three reasons for changes to the lives of specific groups of Germans. Judge why control over specific aspects of life were important to Nazis, and support opinion with evidence and explanation. Explain why the lives of specific groups of Germans improved under Nazi rule. Explain why the lives of specific groups of Germans got worse under Nazi rule. Judge extent to which the lives of Germans benefitted from Nazi rule. To get an A-A* I must be able to... Describe key aspects of each topic in specific detail. Explain in detail four reasons for changes to the lives of specific groups of Germans. Can explain how life changed over time for specific groups between 1933 and 1939. Evaluate why control over specific aspects of life were important to Nazis, and support opinion with evidence and explanation. Evaluate the extent to which the lives of specific groups of Germans improved under Nazi rule. Evaluate the extent to which the lives of specific groups of Germans got worse under Nazi rule. Make a balanced judgement as to the extent to which the German people benefitted/suffered from Nazi rule.
How did the lives of women change under Nazi rule? L.O. To investigate the lives of women in Nazi Germany By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US Will be able to give four facts about the lives of women in Nazi Germany. (E-D) Give a reason why the lives of women changed. (E-D) EVEN BETTER IF You can describe four changes to the lives of women in detail. (C) You can explain one reason why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule. (C) EXCELLENT IF You can explain two reasons why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule. (B) Judge how important control over women was to the Nazis, and support your judgement with explanation. (B) CHALLENGE!!! DID WOMEN BENEFIT FROM NAZI RULE?
5 minutes Kirsty and Liam Josh and Daryl Lauren and Holly Why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule Life for women in Nazi Germany. Divide your page in two and with your partner write down everything you can remember about the above. Working pairs: Kirsty and Liam Josh and Daryl Lauren and Holly Molly and Kelsey Georgia and Olivia Scott and Tom Jack and Niall 5 minutes
Using the resources available you and your partner need to research changes to the role of women and complete the tasks on the colour coded sheets. By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US Will be able to give four facts about the lives of women in Nazi Germany. (E-D) Give a reason why the lives of women changed. (E-D) EVEN BETTER IF You can describe four changes to the lives of women in detail. (C) You can explain one reason why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule. (C) EXCELLENT IF You can explain two reasons why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule. (B) Judge how important control over women was to the Nazis, and support your judgement with explanation. (B) CHALLENGE!!! DID WOMEN BENEFIT FROM NAZI RULE? 20 minutes
Using everything you have researched today you are now going to complete the exam questions you have been given. You have ten minutes! By the end of this lesson... ALL OF US Will be able to give four facts about the lives of women in Nazi Germany. (E-D) Give a reason why the lives of women changed. (E-D) EVEN BETTER IF You can describe four changes to the lives of women in detail. (C) You can explain one reason why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule. (C) EXCELLENT IF You can explain two reasons why the lives of women changed under Nazi rule. (B) Judge how important control over women was to the Nazis, and support your judgement with explanation. (B) CHALLENGE!!! DID WOMEN BENEFIT FROM NAZI RULE? 10 minutes