AIM: What was life like in America after WWII?
McCarthy’s Witch hunt Senator Joseph McCarthy: McCarthyism strong anti-Communist activist McCarthyism attacking suspected Communists without evidence McCarthy says Communists in State Department – names? Republican - winning strategy for 1952? Downfall: Televised hearings - bullying witnesses - - TV in 1950s!!!
Red Scare Fear of communists HUAC formed investigates Communist ties Hollywood Ten – Who are they? refuse to testify, sent to prison Blacklist: people with “Communist” ties, cannot get work
Red Scare – SPIES add fear Alger Hiss accused of spying for Soviet Union -convicted of perjury Ethel & Julius Rosenberg Did the USSR steal the secret to the BOMB? Implicated in the case – pleaded 5th! Executed
America Begins to prosper Baby Boom Impacts economy, educational system Dr. Jonas Salk - Advances in Medicine
Housing Crunch 10 million returning veterans: housing shortage Build suburbs: small residential communities around cities The Interstate Highway System Local, state roads link cities, suburbs to schools, shops, work
A portion of Levittown, a mass-produced suburb on Long Island, New York, 25 miles east of Manhattan (1948).
Elvis Rocks! Rock ‘n’ roll is born! Elivis: King of Rock ‘n’ Roll takes it to frantic pitch Adults condem
The Interstate Highway System Local, state roads link cities, suburbs to schools, shops, work Interstate Highway Act—nationwide highway network unites country Highways enable long-haul trucking, new towns, family vacations Towns near highways prosper; those near older, smaller roads decline