New York State Diploma Requirements Melissa Montague, Assistant in Instructional Services New York State Education Dept. Office of Curriculum and Instruction Eastern Suffolk BOCES February 8, 2019
Data Speaks! Let’s Listen.
Pathways to Graduation in Suffolk County 2014 Cohort Data from * Data excludes traditional pathway
Diploma Requirements New York State High School Diploma 22 Credits accomplished by successfully completing course work 4-8 Assessments accomplished by successfully passing Regents exams, Department approved alternatives or pathway exams New York State High School Diploma Diploma Requirements
Regents with Advanced Designation 4-5 Assessments Regents with Advanced Designation 7-8 Assessments Local Diploma Types 22 Credits
Earning Credits and Credit Requirements
Earning Credit mastery of learning outcomes ≥ 180 minutes of instruction / week (or the equivalent) Completing a Unit of Study ≥ 85 on a Regents exam without the opportunity to complete a unit of study oral exam or special project Credit by Exam Earning Credit Credit by exam:
A student with a disability may be excused from the required credits in LOTE, but must still earn 22 credits to graduate. The LOTE exemption must be noted on the student’s IEP. LOTE Exemption Credit Requirements
Assessment Requirements
Admission to a Regents Exam Section 8.2 of the Rules of the Board of Regents: All students who had the opportunity to complete the course of study leading to a Regents Exam have the right to be admitted to that exam. Students may not be barred from an exam for disciplinary reasons or because their achievement in a subject is considered unsatisfactory. In the case of a science Regents Exam, only students who have also met the laboratory requirement, which includes 1,200 minutes of hands-on laboratory experience with satisfactory laboratory reports, may be admitted. Admission to a Regents Exam
Regents Diploma for All Students Regents Diploma for All Students REGENTS EXAM or passing score on a Department approved alternative # of Exams Passing Score English Language Arts (ELA) 1 65 Math Science Social Studies Pathway (See note 1 on reverse side) 1 or CDOS if Regents Exam Compensatory Safety Net Non-Applicable Regents Diploma for All Students Department Approved Alternatives to Regents Exams:
Assessment Requirements Multiple (4+1) Pathways CDOS CTE STEM Humanities Arts LOTE All students must pass 4 required assessments (one in each discipline) +1 English Science Social Studies Math 24
Completing a Pathway Humanities & STEM Humanities & STEM Pathways to a Local or Regents Diploma Pass examinations in: ELA Math Science Social Studies one additional English language arts, math, science, or social studies course culminating in a Regents or Department-approved alternative assessment culminating Regents or Department-approved alternative Completing a Pathway Humanities & STEM Multiple Pathways:
Completing a Pathway The Arts Arts Pathway to a Local or Regents Diploma Pass examinations in: ELA Math Science Social Studies one additional Arts Course (or sequence) Department-approved Arts examination AP: Art History, Music Theory Studio Art (2D, 3D, or Drawing Design Portfolios) IB: Dance, Music, Theatre, or Visual Arts Completing a Pathway The Arts Multiple Pathways:
Completing a Pathway Biliteracy (LOTE) Biliteracy Pathway to a Local or Regents Diploma Pass examinations in: ELA Math Science Social Studies Sequence of LOTE Courses NYSED approved LOTE examination Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish (Oneida- Herkimer-Madison BOCES) Spanish (NYC DOE) Completing a Pathway Biliteracy (LOTE) Multiple Pathways:
Completing a Pathway CTE CTE Pathway to a Local or Regents Diploma Completing a Pathway CTE Pass examinations in: ELA Math Science Social Studies Successful completion of Department approved CTE program 3-part technical assessment
Dual Role of CDOS CDOS as a Pathway to a Local or Regents Diploma CDOS as a Standalone Credential Dual Role of CDOS Passing Regents Examinations in ELA Math Science Social Studies All the CDOS Credential Requirements Students attempt, but do not successfully complete all the Regents or local diploma requirements but do complete all the CDOS credential requirements
Completing a Pathway CDOS CDOS Pathway to a Local or Regents Diploma Completing a Pathway CDOS Pass examinations in: ELA Math Science Social Studies Completion of CDOS Credential Requirements (Option 1 or 2)
CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 1 Career Plan Employability Profile Demonstrated achievement of CDOS Standards 216 hours of CTE coursework and/or work-based learning experiences ≥54 hours must be work-based learning experiences Available to all students except those assessed using the NYS Alternate Assessment Available as a stand alone credential or added to a Local or Regents Diploma CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 1 CDOS Learning Standards:
CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 1 CTE Coursework Trade & Technical Education Technology Education Health Science Education Family & Consumer Sciences Education Business & Marketing Education Agricultural Education CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 1 CTE Coursework
CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 1 CTE Teachers Any teacher holding any one of the following certifications can deliver the instruction at the high school level leading to the CDOS Commencement Credential or the CDOS Pathway to a Regents or a local diploma. CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 1 CTE Teachers Classroom Teachers Technology Education or Industrial Arts, P-12 Business and Marketing or Business and Distributive Education, P-12 Family and Consumer Science or Home Economics, P-12 Agriculture, P-12 Career and Technical teachers Business Management and Administration, 7-12 Family and Consumer Science titles, 7-12 Agriculture titles, 7-12 Any trade or technical titles, 7-12 Health Occupations titles, 7-12 CTE Certification:
CDOS Commencement Credential Option 1 Documenting Hours Locally Decided CDOS Commencement Credential Option 1 Documenting Hours Model Form (Not Required): Employability Profile and Directions
CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 2 Meets requirements for one of the nationally recognized work readiness credentials National Work Readiness Credential SkillsUSA Work Force Ready Employability Assessment National Career Readiness Certificate Work Keys - (ACT) Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment Systems Workforce Skills Certification System Available to all students except those assessed using the NYS Alternate Assessment Available as a stand alone credential or added to a Local or Regents Diploma CDOS Commencement Credential Requirements Option 2 CDOS Learning Standards: Approved CDOS Assessments:
Appeal Eligibility Criteria Students seeking an appeal must meet the following criteria: 2X Have taken the Regents examination under appeal at least two times Have at least one score on the Regents examination under appeal within the point range appropriate for the appeal: All student appeal 60-64 Students with disabilities seeking the local diploma 52-54 English language learners seeking appeals in ELA only 55-59* Have taken advantage of academic help provided by the school in the subject tested by the Regents examination under appeal Have passed the course for which the appeal is being sought Be recommended for an exemption to the graduation requirement by the student’s teacher or Department chairperson in the subject of the Regents examination under appeal Appeal Eligibility Criteria * Note: English language learners seeking an appeal for a score of 55-59 on the ELA Regents Exam are only eligible for an appeal in this area if they entered the United States in grade 9 or after and were classified as an English language learner when they took the test the second time.
Appeal Committee and Review Recommendation to the Superintendent Grant Appeal Deny Appeal Appeal Committee Principal 3 Teachers (not student’s teacher) Administrator Appeal is Submitted Student Parent or Person in Parental Relations Teacher/Counselor Appeal Committee and Review
Regents Diploma via Appeal All Students Regents Diploma via Appeal for All Students REGENTS EXAM or passing score on a Department approved alternative # of Exams Passing Score English Language Arts (ELA) 1 1 Regents exam with a score of 60-64 for which an appeal has been granted by the district and all remaining Regents exams with a score of 65 or above Math Science Social Studies Pathway (See note 1 on reverse side) 1 or CDOS Compensatory Safety Net Non-Applicable Regents Diploma via Appeal All Students
Local Diploma via Appeal All Students Local Diploma via Appeal for All Students REGENTS EXAM or passing score on a Department approved alternative # of Exams Passing Score English Language Arts (ELA) 1 2 Regents exams with a score of 60-64 for which appeals have been granted by the district and all remaining Regents exams with a score of 65 or above Math Science Social Studies Pathway (See note 1 on reverse side) 1 or CDOS Compensatory Safety Net Non-Applicable Local Diploma via Appeal All Students
Local Diploma via Appeal English Language Learner Local Diploma via Appeal for English Language Learners REGENTS EXAM or passing score on a Department approved alternative # of Exams Passing Score English Language Arts (ELA) 1 Either the ELA Regents exam with a score of 55-59 for which an appeal has been granted by the district, and all remaining Regents exams with a score of 65 or above, OR 1 Regents exam with a score of 60-64 and the ELA Regents with a score of 55-59 for which appeals have been granted for both by the district, and the remaining Regents exams with a score of 65 or above † Math Science Social Studies Pathway (See note 1 on reverse side) 1 or CDOS Compensatory Safety Net Non-Applicable Local Diploma via Appeal English Language Learner † English language learners seeking an appeal for a score of 55-59 on the ELA Regents Exam are only eligible for an appeal in this area if they entered the United States in grade 9 or after and were classified as an English language learner when they took the test the second time.
Safety Nets
Via Appeal (up to two scores 52-54) Safety Nets Low Pass Passing Score ≥ 55 Via Appeal (up to two scores 52-54) Compensatory Scores of 45-54 can be compensated by scores of ≥ 65 (excluding ELA and Math Regents Exams) Types of Safety Nets Safety Nets apply to: all students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) students with 504-plans (if so indicated in their plan)
Local Diploma via Low Pass Safety Net Students with a Disability Local Diploma for Students with a Disability REGENTS EXAM or passing score on a Department approved alternative # of Exams Passing Score English Language Arts (ELA) 1 55*^ Math Science Social Studies Pathway (See note 1 on reverse side) 1 or CDOS if Regents Exam Compensatory Safety Net Scores of 45-54 on any required Regents exam (except ELA and Mathematics) can be compensated by a score of 65 or above on another required Regents exam including ELA and Mathematics. Local Diploma via Low Pass Safety Net Students with a Disability *Students with a disability seeking the local diploma through the low pass safety-net may appeal scores of 52-54 on up to two Regents Examinations. ^ Students with a disability who are unable to obtain a passing score on these examinations may seek a local diploma by Superintendent’s Determination. See
Local Diploma via Compensatory Safety Net Students with a Disability Local Diploma for Students with a Disability REGENTS EXAM or passing score on a Department approved alternative # of Exams Passing Score English Language Arts (ELA) 1 55*^ Math Science Social Studies Pathway (See note 1 on reverse side) 1 or CDOS if Regents Exam Compensatory Safety Net Scores of 45-54 on any required Regents exam (except ELA and Mathematics) can be compensated by a score of 65 or above on another required Regents exam including ELA and Mathematics. Local Diploma via Compensatory Safety Net Students with a Disability
Applying the Compensatory Safety Net Two Questions: Are the student’s ELA and Mathematics Regents Examination scores at 55 or above? For every required Regents Examination score between 45 and 54, is there a compensating score of 65 or above? Applying the Compensatory Safety Net If the answer to BOTH OF THE ABOVE questions is yes, then the student has met the assessment requirements for a local diploma.
Superintendent Determination
Superintendent Determination Eligibility Requirements Student with a disability receiving special education services (not applicable to 504 or declassified students) Student participated in and passed all relevant Regents level coursework Student actively participated in all required Regents examinations Student earned the appropriate 22 units of diploma credit Student’s parent or person in parental relations submitted a written request to the superintendent for a determination of a local diploma Superintendent Determination Eligibility Requirements
Science and Social Studies Prior to December 2017, this option only applied to Social Studies and Science Regents Exams. Superintendent Determination of a Local Diploma Eligibility Requirements NOW… Requests involving only Science and Social Studies Student must have earned a minimum score of 55 or successfully appealed a score of 52-54 on ELA and Math Regents exams. Request involving Mathematics and/or English Language Arts Student must have completed all the requirements of the CDOS Commencement Credential. See temporary exception (2017-2018, 2018-2019 only)
For a student with a disability eligible to exit high school in the 2017-18 or 2018-19 school year only, the school district or nonpublic school may award the CDOS Commencement Credential to such student who has not met all the requirements of the CDOS Credential for the purposes of the Superintendent Determination only under the following conditions: Temporary Exception to the CDOS requirement for a Superintendent Determination request involving ELA and/or Mathematics Student demonstrated knowledge and skills in the CDOS Standards. Student demonstrated readiness skills for entry-level employment. For 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 ONLY, the total hours of CTE coursework / work-based learning may be less than required 216 hours. Only applies to Superintendent Determination involving ELA and/or math; cannot apply to grant CDOS Credential for a pathway.
Endorsements, and Seals Advanced Designation, Endorsements, and Seals Mastery HONORS
Advanced Designation Assessment Pathways Traditional Combination ELA Global History & Geography US History and Government 3 math 2 science (1 physical, 1 life) Pathway Combination (other than STEM) 1 social studies 1 pathway (other than science or math) STEM (Mathematics) Pathway 4 math 2 science (1 physical, 1 life) STEM (Science) Pathway 3 science (at least 1 physical, at least 1 life) Advanced Designation Assessment Pathways In addition the student must choose either 2 additional credits in LOTE and the locally developed Checkpoint B LOTE Exam OR a 5 unit sequence in the Arts or CTE.* 8 Assessments or 7 + CDOS * A LOTE exempt student who seeks a Regents diploma with advanced designation does not have to complete the 5-unit sequence in the Arts or CTE in lieu of LOTE in order to meet the assessment requirements for the advanced diploma.
Advanced Designation with Honors Regents With Honors Student achieves a computed average of 90 or above on Regents Exams required for the diploma Advanced Designation with Honors Honors Endorsements
CTE Technical Endorsement Mastery in Mathematics Can be added to local, Regents or Regents with Advanced Designation Complete all requirements for a local or Regents diploma Complete a Department approved CTE program including the three part technical assessment CTE Technical Endorsement Can be added to a Regents with Advanced Designation only Complete all the requirements for a Regents with Advanced Designation Pass three Regents exams in mathematics with a score of 85 or better Mastery in Mathematics Pass three Regents exams in science with a score of 85 or better Mastery in Science Other Endorsements
Seal of Biliteracy Recognizes a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages, in addition to English
Transfer Students
Updated Physical Education (PE) Credit Requirements Transfer Students Applicability: All students who transfer to a NY State high school from outside the State at any time during their high school career Key Change: Such transfer students must: earn ¼ credit of PE for every semester they are enrolled in a NY high school regardless of the number of PE credits they bring with them; AND enroll in PE every semester they are in a NY high school until they have completed 8 semesters (4 years) of high school. Updated Physical Education (PE) Credit Requirements Transfer Students # Semesters Spent in a NYS School 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Minimum number of PE credits required for graduation ¼ ½ ¾ 1 ¼ 1 ½ 1 ¾
Grade 11 Students who enter a registered NYS high school for the first time in grade 11 or who re-enter after having been enrolled for 3 or fewer semesters in a NYS high school, may be exempt from the Global History and Geography Regents and may meet the assessment requirements for a Regents or local diploma by passing the Regents exams in: ELA 1 Math 1 Science US History Grade 12 Students who enter a registered NYS high school for the first time in grade 12 or who re-enter after having been enrolled for 3 or fewer semesters in a NYS high school, may be exempt from the Global History and Geography Regents and the science Regents and may meet the assessment requirements for a Regents or local diploma by passing the Regents exams in: Transfer Student Testing Requirements as of the September 2017 Board of Regents Meeting
Applicable to: Transitioning students of active duty military families NY Schools will provide and accept unofficial hand carried records from such students for the purpose of placement while awaiting official records Such students will have 30 days to obtain required immunizations NY schools will honor the placement of students in educational courses, as well as extracurricular and interscholastic activities (when available and if space allows) A properly executed power of attorney is to be considered sufficient for the purpose of establishing residency Flexibility for Students of Active Duty Transitioning Military Families Under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children Interstate Compact:
Exams Accepted in Lieu of Regents Exams for Military Students Applicable to: Transitioning students of active duty military families Where the principal from the sending school attests in writing that the student achieved a satisfactory score on such exam(s) and met the proficiency standards for the course(s) assessed in the sending state Exit or End of Course Exams Required for Graduation in the Sending State Where the principal from the sending school attests in writing that the student achieved a score equal to or greater than the national grade equivalent corresponding to the typically administered Regents examination grade National Norm Referenced Achievement Tests Where the principal of the sending school accepted course credit for a course that would typically culminate in an examination required for graduation in New York State Where the principal from the sending school attests in writing that the student has achieved a score on such exam that meets the proficiency standards for the course assessed in the sending state End of Course Local Examinations Exams Accepted in Lieu of Regents Exams for Military Students
Non-Diploma Credentials
Non-Diploma Credentials Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential ≥ 12 years of schooling (excluding kindergarten) Completed the school year in which they attained the age of 21 Available to Students with a Disability assessed using the NYS Alternate Assessment Must be accompanied by documentation of the students’ skills and strengths and levels of independence in academic, career development and foundation skills needed for post-school living, learning and working Non-Diploma Credentials Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential OR
Non-Diploma Credentials CDOS Commencement Credential (Standalone) CDOS as a Standalone Credential Non-Diploma Credentials CDOS Commencement Credential (Standalone) Students attempt, but do not successfully complete all the Regents or local diploma requirements but do complete all the CDOS credential requirements
Additional Resources
NYS Diploma Requirements Applicable to All Students
NYS Diploma Requirements Applicable to All Students
SIRS 340 & 341, Graduation Exam Requirements Summary and Detail Reports
Helpful Links Office of Curriculum and Instruction Office of Special Education Diploma Requirements Chart Diploma Requirements Page Multiple Pathways Page Multiple Pathways Q&A Superintendent Determination Transfer Credit Regulations Appeal To Graduate with a Lower Score Department Approved Alternative Exams LOTE Guidance
Questions related to the graduation requirements can be directed to Questions on the transfer credit regulations can be directed to Questions specific to special education can be directed to Questions? Contact Us! Melissa Montague, Assistant in Instructional Services