State Government In A Federal System Chapter 6.4 State Government In A Federal System
State Governments Required: Have a “Republican” government All: Have a State “C” Have a State Legislature
State “C” Change often Add amendments often Long & detailed
State Legislatures Laws Taxes Budgets Elected by popular vote Work for and in their state
Apportionment Distribution of seats in: US House of Representitives State House of Representitives (# of Reps that you get)
Numbers House of Representatives # based on population More people in the state = more reps in the house 435 in the US HoR
How? Census (10 year count) States gain or lose reps MI = 14 reps That means we have 14 districts
What happens? Approx. 7000,000 people per district May need to redistrict ?? Redraw the boundary lines for districts
Who decides? State legislatures Problem? Yes……….
Gerrymandering Redraw districts line to favor a political party Some states now have an unbiased group Most still use the state legislature
Who’s in charge ? State Governor Executive Branch Budget Veto bills appoint officials Command National Guard Issue Executive Orders
Executive Order Order issued to accomplish a specific task or policy Economic development Education Safety
Remember Federal laws always win over state laws
State Court System Majority of legal cases Trial Courts Appeals Courts
AND….. Levels of courts for cases Lower: traffic / family / small claims Higher: criminal / lawsuits
6.5 Local Government Provide basic services: Water Police Waste removal Schools
States are divided 48 = counties 1 = parish (LA) 1 = boroughs (AK)
Who’s in charge? Commissioners Mayors Councils Supervisors Managers Page 111
Local Government Provides many services Depend on volunteers Low pay Need to be in touch with the people People? = YOU Speak Up!!
Check 6.4 & 6.5 Why is a state “C” long? What is apportionment? Who is responsible (mostly) for redistricting? What is gerrymandering? Who is in charge of the state government?