Selecting and Storing Fruits and Vegetables


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Presentation transcript:

Selecting and Storing Fruits and Vegetables All images are available on with a Creative Commons 0 License.

Selecting Fruits and Vegetables

Canned Fruits and Vegetables Look for undented, non-bulging, rust-free cans Check for sell-by or expiration dates

Boxed/Packaged Food May be dehydrated Look for uncrushed, unopened containers Check for sell by or expiration dates

Frozen Food Look for loose content, no ice crystals on outside of container, and no torn packaging Check for sell by or expiration dates

Fresh Fruits Choose slightly firm, heavy fruits that are in season for best value Look for good color and no bruising Some fruits can be bought before being completely ripe-examples are avocadoes, bananas, mangoes, papayas, peaches, and pears

Fresh Vegetables Look for good color, non-wilted vegetables Buy in season for best value Buy medium sized, heavy vegetables Avoid sprouts on root vegetables

Storing Fruits and Vegetables

Types of Storage Options Dry storage Refrigerated storage Frozen storage

Storing Dry Fruits and Vegetables Pantry or Cupboard Any cook, dry place that will not be moist and is away from: Pet food Cleaning supplies Other hazards Boxed/bagged foods not found in the refrigerated or frozen departments are safe to store in cupboards or pantries.

Storing Dry Fruits and Vegetables Are boxed foods dry foods? Are canned foods dry foods? What other items need dry storage?

Storing Dry Fruits and Vegetables How do I store dry foods after they have been opened, prepared, or cooked? Non-Opened, Canned Fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges, pineapple Pickles, relishes, and chutneys Jams and jellies Canned beans, tomato products, and other veggies Dried (i.e.- raisins, apricots, dates) Dehydrated (i.e.- instant potatoes)

Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Some fresh foods are not actually refrigerated in the store. What are examples of these types of fresh foods? How should they be stored at home?

Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Bananas may be stored on the countertop. They will continue to ripen here. Potatoes, onions, garlic should be stored in a cool, dry place away from the light. A pantry or cupboard works well.

Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Some fresh fruits and vegetables should be refrigerated for storage, for example: Leaf vegetables Stem vegetables Berries Citrus Drupes

Storing Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Examples Frozen cut vegetables Frozen vegetable blends Frozen cut fruits Frozen fruit sauces/toppings Frozen fruit pops Frozen fruit juices

Storing Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Shop for frozen foods last Ensure they are solidly frozen without ice crystals on the outside Loose-type foods like peas should still be loose

Storing Frozen Foods Properly thawed foods may be refrozen in the packaging from the store. Foods need to have been kept a 40°F or below to be food safe. Partially thawed, very cold foods may be cooked and then frozen for later use. If in doubt, throw it out!