QOTD Tie-in What are the functions and impacts (intentional and unintentional) of a physical boundary between the U.S. and Mexico? Boundaries have meaning and functions politically, economically, and culturally. Using the language of geography describe the meaning and function of the U.S. - Mexico border – politically, economically, and culturally
Political meaning and function Recognized international border by both govts. (product of war) Immigration debate in U.S. govt. (“build a wall”, amnesty, rational) Lax govt. regulation in Mexico in allowing Americans in Strict govt. regulation in U.S. in allowing Mexicans in Protection of sovereign territory
Economic meaning and function Perceived as a barrier to a better life by many Mexicans Illegal drug trafficking, supply (Mexico) and demand (U.S.) Attraction and migration to maquiladoras Borderland – area with characteristics of both countries; functions like a single economic region in many ways Lesser developed country vs. more developed country
Cultural meaning and function Cohesiveness of borderland region – family members on both sides, daily travel across the border, similarity in cultural landscape – foods, churches, consumer items, music, art, etc. Us and them mentality does not make sense to many residents in US- Mexico borderland region. Distance decay – El Paso, TX (76% Hispanic) vs. Topeka, Kansas (8.7% Hispanic) Spanish and Spanglish usage