Sense organs 1.角膜 (cornea) (NO.47) 2.眼球后壁(Posterior part of the eye)(NO.48) 3.内耳(Internal ear)(NO.49) 4.Quiz 3 周俊 20160608
眼球(Eyeball) 眼球壁3层(外 内): 角膜 巩膜 虹膜基质 睫状体基质 脉络膜 视部 锯齿缘 盲部:虹膜睫状体上皮 眼球壁3层(外 内): Fibrous tunica 纤维膜 角膜 巩膜 Vascular tunica 血管膜 虹膜基质 睫状体基质 脉络膜 视部 锯齿缘 盲部:虹膜睫状体上皮 Retina 视网膜
角膜(Cornea) :5层 Corneal epithelium Anterior limiting lamina Corneal stroma posterior limiting lamina Corneal endothelium
Retina Two regions: The nonphotosensitive region (nonvisual part) Located anterior to the ora serrata, no photoreceptors. The photosensitive region (optic part) Lines the inner surface of the eye posterior to the ora serrata (except the optic papilla)
Retina 4 layers of cells: Pigment cells Optic cells Bipolar cells Ganglion cells
Central fovea Papilla of optic nerve
Choroids and retina 10Internal limiting membrance 9Layer of nerve fibers 8Ganglion cell layer 7Inner plexiform layer 6Inner nuclear layer 5Outer plexiform layer 4Outer nuclear layer 3External limiting membrance 2Layer of rods and cones 1Pigment epithelium
(auricle) External ear : auricle Middle ear: Mastoid process external acoustic meatus tympanic membrane (eardrum) Middle ear: tympanic cavity auditory tube mastoid process
Internal ear Bony labyrinth Membranous labyrinth Bony labyrinth: Semicircular canals Vestibule Cochlea Menbranous labyrinth: Cochlear labyrinth Vestibular labyrinth three semicircular ducts Utricle and saccule
Note: The position of cochlear duct within the bony cochlea The scala vestibuli and the scala tympani, containing perilymph The scala media containing endolymph
Schematic diagram of the cochlea: The scala media is the triangle space with its acute angle attached to the modiolus.Both the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani are filled with perilymph, whereas the cochlear cduct is filled with endolymph.The spiral organ of Corti rests on the lower wall of the scala media. The scala vestibuli and the scala tympani are perilymph-containing spaces that communicate with each other at the apex of the cochlea through a small channel. Scala vestibuli Scala tympani
Slide49:内耳(Internal ear) Cochlea
Vestibuli membrane Scala vestibuli Cochlear duct Scala media Basilar membrane Scala tympani
Stria vascularis Tectorial membrane
螺旋器(Spinal/Corti organ) Hair cell Pillar cell Phalangeal cell
示教:壶腹嵴(crista ampullaris)
球囊斑(macula saculi) 椭圆囊斑(macula utriculi) 示教:位觉斑(macula)