Time course of Fim1-GFP appearance and disappearance in actin patches. Time course of Fim1-GFP appearance and disappearance in actin patches. (A) Numbers of Fim1-GFP molecules over time in 95 individual actin patches in wild-type cells. (B) Mean number of Fim1-GFP molecules per actin patch over time after continuous realignment of patches in panel B. The assembly phase (blue) and disassembly phase (red) are highlighted. (C) Aligned Fim1-GFP actin patch tracks from four separate time-lapse movies of wild-type S. pombe, with assembly phases highlighted. (D) Assembly rates from the four time-lapse movies in panel D, with bar representing the mean. (E, F) Actin patch assembly rates observed in 3–4 movies of wild-type and mutant Fim1-GFP S. pombe strains. Alexander E Epstein et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800202 © 2018 Epstein et al.