Announcements HW #1 - graded HW and solutions returned now


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Presentation transcript:

Announcements HW #1 - graded HW and solutions returned now HW #2 - solutions available Friday (tomorrow) 3:00 pm, OHE 430N Midterm – Feb. 21 (that’s next week), 6:40 – 8:10 pm, in this room Covering material in lectures 1 – 5 (HW #1 & #2) Review material posted on course website: “Humongous file” containing lectures 1 – 5 posted on course website – useful for searching: Open book to the extent of Hard copies of lecture notes (no electronic versions allowed!) Any additional notes you prepare yourself, e.g., condensed versions of lecture notes, formula sheets, etc. Your graded HW and printed HW solutions Optional textbooks Followed by lecture 8:25 – 9:20 pm Office hours next week PDR usual hours Jakrapop 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Thursday AME 436 - Spring 2019 - Lecture 6 - Unsteady flow engines I: principles