Important attributes of lodgings to gain repeat business: A comparison between individual travels and group travels Presenter: Hsin-Pei Pan Instructor:


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Presentation transcript:

Important attributes of lodgings to gain repeat business: A comparison between individual travels and group travels Presenter: Hsin-Pei Pan Instructor: Dr. Pi-Ying Hsu Date: April 27, 2009

Hanai, T. , Oguchi, T. , Ando, K. , & Yamaguchi, K. (2008) Hanai, T., Oguchi, T., Ando, K., & Yamaguchi, K. (2008). Important attributes of lodgings to gain repeat business: A comparison between individual travels and group travels. International Journal of Hospitality Management 28, 268-275.

Content I. Introduction II. Research question III. Methodology IV. Results V. Reflection

Introduction The low quality of service by lodging employees and the location disadvantages influence the guest’s revisit intention. ( Hanai et al., 2005)

Introduction Traveler's expectations during traveling may differ according to their travel companions. (Ougichi et al., 2005)

Purpose of Study —to investigate the attributes of the satisfaction that are related to the lodging-guests’ tendency to revisit the lodgings and to compare these attributes among the different travel styles. (Hanai, Ouguchi, Ando &Yamaguchi, 2008)

Different travel styles Individual travel Travel with friends/couple Travel with family

Research question How exactly do the four attributes-satisfaction of facilities, employees of lodgings, locations, and cleanliness-affect customers’ revisit intention?

Criteria check-out Facilities Employees of the lodging Location Cleanliness Bathrooms Restaurant Price

Criteria root-out Facilities Employees of the lodging Location Cleanliness Bathrooms Restaurant Price

Records of the largest and most popular websites in Japan Methodology Data collection Records of the largest and most popular websites in Japan Duration One month (August) Participants 6351 On-line guests Rating evaluations 5 Likert-Scale Point

Travel with Individual travel Travel with family friends/couple 2229 1740 Travel with family 2283 Natural revisit-intention 3725 Positive Revisit-intention 806 Negative revisit-intention 60 No comment 1760

Results-1 Positive revisit-intention group “ Although the bathroom was a little small, I was satisfied with other services. I’d like to stay there again.” Neutral revisit-intention group “ The location was so convenient that we could go to the nearest station within five minutes. But the breakfast was not good.” Negative Revisit-intention group “ The employees’ service was poor. The room was small and unsanitary. I will never use it again.”

Results-2 -Individual travelers Individual travelers lay emphasis on the importance of the quality of services provided by the lodging employees.

Results-3 -Group travlers Group travelers discuss various aspects of the lodgings they have stayed in between members.

Results-4 -Travel with companions People who travel with companions have higher willingness to revisit the same lodging than individual traveler does.

Reflection It’s fabulous. It sucks. “ Although the bathroom was a little small, I was satisfied with other services. I’d like to stay there again.” It’s fabulous. “ The employees’ service was poor. The room was small and unsanitary. I will never use it again.” It sucks.

Thank you for your attention.