Ms. Gordon Room 10 April 2 – 6, 2018 A Peek at the Week Language Arts: Unit 8 focuses on Weather & Climate. We will discuss and focus on the essential question: “How can we predict the unknown?” Writing: We will begin our unit of Informational writing. Math: We work with polygons and begin studying perimeter. We are also tackling multi-step word problems. Science: Third grade leads up to the Animal Habitats. We have begun learning about Earth’s biomes. This will be our focus in the coming weeks. Homework Monday: Math lesson 6; Read 20 minutes; Unfinished work Tuesday: Math lesson 10; Read 20 minutes. Wednesday: Math lesson 12, Read 20 minutes; Unfinished work Thursday: Math lesson 13; Read “Moving to Arizona” for weekly reading quiz. STEM Lab on Monday; P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday April MGU Project due 4/30/18 (free choice genre) Mark Your Calendars! We have started rehearsals for the Third Grade Play. Our performance will be on Friday, June 1. Created by: The Little Ladybug Shop