“Turkistan, Afghanistan, Transcaspia, Persia—to many these names breathe only a sense of utter remoteness… To me, I confess, they are the pieces on a chessboard upon which is being plated out a game for the domination of the world.” -- Lord Curzon What does Curzon mean by the places give the sense of “utter remoteness?” What does Curzon say the true goal of Imperialism in these remote places? Do you agree or disagree with Curzon? Why?
“Propensity to war, slaughter, and destruction, which has always depopulated the face of the earth, this rage has taken much less possession of the minds of the people of India and China than of ours[Europe].” -- Voltaire What has depopulated the face of the earth? This love for war has possessed the minds of which people? Who does Voltaire think is the more civilized people?
“Our task is to strip the Herero [a S. W “Our task is to strip the Herero [a S.W. African native tribe] of his heritage and national characteristics and gradually to submerge him, along with the other natives, into a single colored working class.” -- German Official What do the Germans want to do to the Herero people’s culture and identity? What do the Germans want to make the Herero people into? What Imperialistic motive is the German official alluding to? (political, economic, or social) Explain.
“The lust and love of territory have been among the greatest curses of mankind.” -- William Gladstone Explain what Gladstone means in this quote. Why do you think Gladstone thought this way? Do you agree or disagree with Gladstone? Explain your answer.
-- Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck “Your map of Africa is very nice, but my map of Africa is in Europe. Here is Russia, and here is France, and we are in the middle. That is my map of Africa!” -- Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck At first, Bismarck was against Imperialism. How does this quote reflect this initial sentiment? (Aka, according to this quote, what as Bismarck more interested in than Imperialism?) Why do you think Bismarck didn’t want Germany to become an imperialistic country? Eventually, Germany began to take over other nations. Why do you think Bismarck changed his mind?
-- Popular British song from Imperialism “We don’t want to fight, / But, by Jingo, if we do, / We’ve got the men, / We’ve got the ships, / We’ve got the money too.” -- Popular British song from Imperialism The British people had a lot of pride in their country, what is this extreme form of patriotism called? (Hint: it’s a cause) What is this song’s message? What does it mean? Considering this song’s message, what do you think is going to happen next?
-- Brother of Cecil Rhodes “The Waganda [of Uganda] are clamoring for shoes, stockings and opera glasses and are daily developing fresh wants.” -- Brother of Cecil Rhodes What are wants? (hint: think of wants vs. needs) Cecil Rhodes’ brother is arguing FOR imperialism, what is he saying that makes imperialism good for Great Britain? (think business) Do you think Rhodes’ is correct in thinking that the Ugandan people want this stuff?