Standing Mini-Whiteboards Which type of utilitarianism are Act and Rule? Name one phrase that might summarise either act or rule. Name two scholars that we learnt last lesson What new type of utilitarianism did we touch on? Which of the new scholars are Act and which is Rule??
Utilitarianism Summary Homework – Find three extra pieces of wider reading on utilitarianism 1 – Modern criticism of utilitarianism 2 – One modern version of utilitarianism 3 – Two quotes on Peter Singer LO s To recap and summarise one’s understanding of utilitarianism To explore potential similarities and differences with the theory To begin to plan one’s utilitarianism essay Part a) p160 of wright part b) p84
Strengths and Weaknesses Five minutes discuss, recap and consider in small groups using textbooks and notes.
Strengths Simple idea at source and easily understood Makes morality selfish, intuitive to some Progressive for all humanity Consequences based Does not rely on religion Democratic Can include animals
Weaknesses Tyranny of majority Ignores intention Ignores duty Devoid of love Consequences hard to predict
Diagram Summary Show you understand how the topics we have studied link together by creating a diagram using the following topics. Egoism, Hobbes, Bentham, Mill, hedonic calculus, gerrude himmelfarb, act, rule, sidgwick, toulmin, preference, singer, strengths, weaknesses
Panopticon Design of a new prison meaning ‘all seeing’. Prison cells arranged around a central control centre, from which all prisoners can be observed at all time by single guard. System of hard labour, silence and harsh punishment, all inmates would behave. Fear would teach prisoners to behave for benefit of population at large. Crime would be reduced but at the expense of privacy and individual freedom. Who came up with it? Who didn’t like it? What do you think?
Tasks Ext – Add notes to this diagram Use handout to begin to plan essay structure