Exercise and Dietary Concerns for Diabetes Blood Sugar Maintenance
Risk Factors For Developing Adult-Onset Diabetes > 50 years of age Family History Overweight or obese, BMI > 30 A sedentary lifestyle with little exercise An “apple-shaped” looking body An unhealthy diet of excess sugar, flour, butter, margarine, shortening, & dressings
Signs of Adult-Onset Diabetes High Blood Sugar Regular weakness and fatigue Increased thirst Frequent bathroom visits Blurred vision Rapid weight loss Dry and itchy skin Tingling or loose feeling in feet
Signs of Adult-Onset Diabetes Low Blood Sugar Shakiness, dizziness, sweating Headache Hunger Pale skin color Sudden moodiness or behavior changes Clumsy or jerky movements Seizure Difficulty paying attention, or confusion
Preventing and Controlling Diabetes Maintain a healthy weight Keep blood sugar regulated Maintain a healthy blood pressure Control blood lipids: cholesterol and triglycerides Live a low stress life, and laugh a lot Exercise 30-60 minutes, 3-5 times a week Eat small meals or snacks frequently
Potential Health Problems Associated with Diabetes Heart & blood vessel blockage causes: Kidney disease and failure Ulcers on feet leading to infection and possibly amputation Nerve damage & neuropathy in feet cause: Numbness, tingling, and sharp pain Blindness caused by: Cataracts, glaucoma, retinopathy
Healthy Foods For A Diabetic Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and green beans Brown rice, walnuts and whole grains Apples, oranges, pears, peaches, and plums Navy and kidney beans and whole grains Fish, such as salmon or cod, 2-3 times a week Healthy cuts of meat: omit the skin and fat Nonfat dairy, yogurt, and cheese Drink 6-8 cups of water daily
Get Daily Exercise 30-60 minutes a day to maintain weight Use the stairs 2-3 times a day Walk with a friend 15 minutes 2 times a day Visit the fitness center 3-5 times a week Move around, march in place, do exercises while on the phone and watching television Take a longer route to the dining hall Exercise 10 minutes 3 times a day Never exercise if feeling dizzy or weak
Sources National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) http://kiabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/physical_ez/indes.htm American Diabetes Association www.diabetes.org