Solar powered water desalination katelyn rose
scientific question Which container will have the sun clean the most amount of salt from the water?
Background The reason i chose this project is because i was wondering how the sun and water could help humans rather than plants. I know the sun and water both help plants grow but i didn’t know how they could help us out.
Hypothesis If i put the salt water in the container with the black bottom then, it will have the largest amount of clean water.
Variables Independent: Container Dependent: The amount of salt Constants: Type and amount of salt, amount of water
Procedure 1.Gather materials 2.drill hole in the side of both container 3.put a straw in the hole 4.put a hole in the cup and put the same straw in the hole 5.put about 2 cups of water in the container
Procedure 6.Add about 1½ teaspoons of salt 7.put black paper under 1 container and white under the other containers in sunlight and record progress over 3-6 days
Conclusion Which container will have the sun clean the most amount of salt from the water? In the experiment i put two containers in the sun to see which one will have the sun clean the most salt from the water.In my projest my data was, the container with the black paper on the bottom had the...
Conclusion (1) ...most salt (and least water left) cleaned from the container. My data supports my hypothesis because they both show that the container with the black bottom had the most salt cleansed from the water. I learned that the sun can turn salt water into fresh(in this experiment it was some...
what clean) drinking water for humans ...what clean) drinking water for humans. I think if i could change something it would probably be adding foil reflectors to reflect the sun onto the water.