Luquillo Biocomplexity Meeting January 2004 Hydrology overview Stream-Hydrology issues Pike/Scatena research plan
Steep Environmental Gradients Subtropical Dry (1200 mm/yr) to Wet (5000mm/yr) Windward vs leeward
Hydrology Overview Steep Environmental Gradients Maritime climate with high rainfall frequency minor seasonality 3 rain showers/day, High interception, Intense rainfalls; >500 mm/day, 125 mm/day threshold; Hurricanes, TS, northern fronts Dynamic disturbance regime Hurricanes, landslides, tree-falls Old on inside-young on outside
Seasonality of Luquillo Climate May Rains
Forest Wide Temperature Based on regression of Temp vs elevation, aspect
Wet Season Dry Season
Hydrology Overview Steep Environmental Gradients Maritime climate with high rainfall frequency minor seasonality Dynamic disturbance regime Hurricanes, landslides, tree-falls “Old on inside-young on outside”
Hillslope processes Deep Clayey soils; 6 + m of saprolite Volcanoclastics vs Grandiorite Hillslope Catena’s Shallow flow paths; < 1 m through-flow vs overland flow soil compaction, trail erosion Landslides; 1000-2000 yr turnover roads, elevation, bedrock Larsen, Zarin, Walker
Bisley Hillslope profile Soil and saprolite 10-20 m thick Storage; at 1% water content = 100-200 mm; 1 month throughfall
Clay and saprolite subsoil with relatively low ksat = low recharge
Storm hydrographs H20 Na, Mg Ca, CL
Stream Channel Hydrology Headwaters Steep gradient, boulders, structural control Supply limited “clean water” Coastal plain Alluvial and channelized Relatively stable planform morphology Aggradation/degradation cycle
Annual 7 day Minimum Q90 Q50 Xiphocaris spp. Night Atya spp. Night
Daily Discharge Series No Extraction Extraction = Q95, No Minimum In-stream Flow Extraction = Q95, Minimum In-stream Flow = Q99
General Hydrologic/land use issues Municipal water withdrawal aquatic migrations Urbanization Reservoir sedimentation USGS, landslides Coastal Plain deforestation RAMS model
Regional-scale changes Synoptic Systems Tradewinds Energy & Moisture Land-Sea Tectonic Uplift Sea Level
On-going research efforts GIS based-statistical models Garcia; low flow prediction, Rivera; peak discharges, Santos; island wide water chemistry Simulation models Hall SUNY-ESF; Soil carbon, ET Interception and cloud forest hydrology Free University of Amsterdam Stream water chemistry, N cycling W. McDowell, UNH Instream flows and water withdrawals Pringle UGA
Roads Facilities Water Intakes Roads & Maintenance Buildings Communication Facilities Water Intakes Roads & Maintenance Buildings
Stream/road issues Hydrologic issues Freeze-thaw Groundwater discharge Flooding overbank, diversion flooding Erosion of unpaved roads Damage to bridges and culverts Landslides
Stream/Road-Chemical issues Applied chemicals (e.g. road salt..) minor herbicide use Road material asphalt, dirt Emissions Odum Co2 Chemical spills Swimming
Social considerations Social significance of Luquillo Streams Seasonality of recreation locals vs snowbirds don’t go to beach in months with “R” Short travel distances and short storms Shystostomisis and “dirty” streams Swimming skills
Current Biocomplexity Efforts
Channel morphology-aquatic habitat GIS-Statistical based approach Develop null then evaluate road crossings Work Plan Aug 2003; channel cross-sections Fall 03; GIS layers Jan 2004; pebble counts Spring 04; develop manuscript I Summer 04; Espirtu Santo, bridges 2005; bridge habitat analysis, water falls…
Slope Raster
Channel slope vs Drainage area Sonodora = 2.6 km2 Puente Roto = 17.8 km2 Mameyes at RT3 = 34.7 km2
Drainage Area vs Channel Width
Slope Mean grain size/Basin area