Click Here This is the old District 5100 website. We are in the process of moving to a new website. So for now, when you enter and you wind up at this page (CLICK) please click here to go the new website. (CLICK)
◄ Click Here Now we are at District 5100’s new home page. The District would like to communicate directly with every Rotarian in the District. At least all those who have e-mail. In order to accomplish this goal, the District needs to have your e-mail address. That is, your e-mail address to which you would like information from the District sent. In order to accomplish this task we need you to get a Login Name and Password. (CLICK) If you do not already know your Login Name and Password, you need to click here. (CLICK)
You have now reached the “Get Password” Page You have now reached the “Get Password” Page. The first step is to select a club by clicking on the down arrow after the club name. (CLICK)
This produces a menu of District 5100 Clubs This produces a menu of District 5100 Clubs. Let’s say that you are a member of the Portland Club. (CLICK)
You will need to scroll down to the Portland Club. (CLICK)
And then select it. (CLICK)The next step is to enter your Last Name (CLICK)
The next step is to enter your Last Name (CLICK)
Click Here YourLastName After you have entered your Last Name (CLICK) you need to enter the your e-mail address where you would like to receive information from the District (CLICK) Click on “Get Login Info” (CLICK) Click Here
Hello Your Name, This is your login information for the ClubRunner (Rotary) website: Login Name:Your.Name.#### Password: #### Club: Your Club If you need assistance, please reply to this email. You should receive an e-mail that looks something like this. (CLICK)
◄ Click Here Or Click Here After you have received your Login Name and Password you can Login. Notice there are two places that you can click on to Login. (CLICK)You can click here or (CLICK) you can click here. (CLICK) (CLICK)
Click Here Your.Name.#### #### Once you have entered your login name (CLICK) and password (CLICK) click on the Login (CLICK) (CLICK)
Click Here Now you have arrived at the District Administration page. Notice that Your Name is in the upper right hand corner. The access you have to the various places will depend upon whether you hold a position in your club’s administration or in the District’s administration. All Rotarians in the District have access to their own profiles and can change their own password. It is important that your profile is up to date. (CLICK). To edit your profile (CLICK) click Edit My Profile.
Your Month ##, #### Name Month ##, #### Partner/Spouse Name Month ##, #### ###-###-#### 123 Any Street ###-###-#### The first half of the member profile deals with your personal information – The initial information was put into the data base from the information on record with Rotary International. Of great importance on this page is the e-mail address (CLICK) where you would like to receive notifications from your club and the District. (CLICK) PO Box ### ###-###-#### Any Town ###-###-#### Your State #####-#### U.S.A.
Your Club Name (id# #####) When you scroll down the page – you will come to the information that relates to where you work and finally some information about your membership in Rotary. Some of this information can be completed by your club secretary. Your Membership ID (CLICK) you can find on the address label of your copy of the Rotarian Magazine. Once all you information is Once you have saved your information you will return to the District Administration Page. (CLICK) Your.Name.####
Now you have arrived at the District Administration page Now you have arrived at the District Administration page. The access you have to the various places will depend upon whether you hold a position in your club’s administration or in the District’s administration. All Rotarians in the District have access to their own profiles and can change their own password. It is important that your profile is up to date. (CLICK). Click here to Edit your profile. (CLICK)
Now you are the home page Now you are the home page. Notice in the upper left hand corner where it says “Welcome, Your Name”. You might also notice in the top menu bar something called “Admin” that appears after you login. You are now ready to browse the District Website. Happy browsing.
The end