Group Name Ecoli1 Group member name
Isolates Sample name Country Collection date ec11-4632_c1 France 2011-06-25 ec11-5538 2011-06-24 c236-11 Germany 2011-05-21 ec11-3677 2011-05-26 ec09-7901 2009
Result of species identification (KmerFinder) Strain Species acc. to Grad et al 2012 Predicted species Closest matching strain Template coverage ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c236-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901
Representative KmerFinder result
Result of Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) Strain ST acc. to Grad et al 2012 Predicted ST ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c236-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901
Representative Multilocus Sequence Typing result
Result of serotyping ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c236-11 ec11-3677 Strain Serotype acc. to Grad et al 2012 Predicted serotype ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c236-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901
Representative serotyping result
Result of antibiotics resistance analysis Isolate Ampicillin (blaZ, blaTem-1B) Third-generation cephalosporins (blaCTX-M-15) Streptomycin (strA, strB, aadA) Nalidixic acid (chromosomal mutations) Tetracycline (tetC, tetM, tetR, tetS, tetA) ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c2356-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901 Isolate Cotri-moxazole (dfr) Carbape-nems (blaNDM) Ciprofloxacin (chromosomal mutations) Chloram-phenicol (cat) Kanamycin (aph(3’)-II/aph(3’)-III) Gentamicin (aac(6')-aph(2'')) ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c2356-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901 How does it compare to the results presented in Grad et al 2012?
Virulence factors Isolate stx2 (stx2a variant) aggR pic stx1 eae hlyA astA papG dsbD ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c2356-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901 Indicate with , e.g., a “X”, if the gene was present or not Which pathovar does the outbreak isolates seem to belong to?
Result of plasmid analysis Isolate IncFII IncFIB IncI1 IncP IncQ1 ec11-4632_c1 ec11-5538 c2356-11 ec11-3677 ec09-7901 For each strain write which node the replicon was found on. If not found, leave the cell empty. Which plasmid is the blaCTX-M-15 gene on? Which plasmid are the aggR gene on?
Distance matrix made by NDtree and tree made with neighbour-joining
Distance matrix made by CSIPhylogeny and tree made with neighbour-joining