Differentiation QE Teaching & Learning
Why is differentiation important? It enables every student to reach the highest possible standard of which he or she is capable. It is a process that encourages students, regardless of their ability, to benefit from the same curriculum. It develops a sense of achievement in all students.
Why is differentiation important? Self Assessment encourages us to evaluate: how well teaching and assessment support learning and development how well students achieve and make progress how well we meet the needs and interests of all students
How are students different from each other? Students may: have different prior knowledge, experience and skills find some aspects of their course(s) easy or difficult work at different speeds have particular interests have differing levels of confidence or motivation have a preference for different methods and styles of learning have specific individual needs
Differentiation — some definitions ‘Differentiation is the process whereby teachers meet the need for progress through the curriculum by selecting appropriate teaching methods to match the individual student’s learning strategies within a group situation.’ Visser J, Differentiation and the Curriculum, Birmingham, 1993, University of Birmingham
Differentiation — some definitions ‘Differentiation is… the process of identifying with each student, the most effective strategies for achieving agreed targets’ Weston P, ‘A Decade For Differentiation’, BJSE, vol. xix, no.1, 1992
Differentiation — some definitions ‘Differentiation should be seen as integral to learning, not as an add-on for those situations when things do not go as well as planned and problems occur. Differentiation is not about troubleshooting. It is a concept that has to be seen in an inclusive way, applying to everyone’ O’Brien T and Guiney D, Differentiation in teaching and learning: Principles and Practice, 2001, Continuum International Publishing group-Academic
Differentiation — some definitions ‘Differentiation is about identifying and addressing the different needs, interests and abilities of all students to give them the best possible chance of achieving their learning goals.’ Standards Unit Pilot Centres, Standards Unit, Improving differentiation in business education, DfES 2004
Framework for a differentiated classroom. The teacher adjusts content, process and product in response to students’ readiness, interests and learning profiles. Goals are maximum growth and continued success. Flexibility is the hallmark of a differentiated classroom.