Warm Up Which word means the same as leap in the following sentence? Kobe Bryant had to leap to make the basket from far away. A. jump B. walk C. run D. scream Explain why you think so
Title: Animals in Trouble: Endangered Species and How to Help Them Author: Tanya Jackson Genre: Expository Reading Goal: Clarifying words in expository text. Team Cooperation Goal: Explain your ideas, and tell why Essential Question: How can we clarify words in expository text?
spurts Short bursts The water came out in short spurts as Joe turned the faucet on and off quickly.
perish Die, vanish Tanya knew the pigeons in the park would perish if the trees were cut down.
Flock Group, usually of birds The flock of penguins sat on the iceberg
scan search The teacher asked me to scan my paper for mistakes before I handed it in.
roamed wandered A lost dog roamed the neighborhood for days.
typical Usual, normal On a typical day, I wake up at seven, but sometimes I wake up a little earlier.
project Plan, activity The company started working on the project to build a new dam across the river.
release Let go You can release the bird by opening its cage.
Think Pair Share What does it mean to clarify? What are some strategies you can use to clarify words you don’t understand? Another strategy we can use is to “think about it” . “What is the big idea?”
SQRRRL Survey Question Read Restate Review Learn
Think Pair Share What were the main ideas and details from yesterday’s reading? Make a prediction about what we will read next Can you think of a good question you could ask?
Listening Comprehension Page 51 of the Text
Idea Tree What was the main idea from what I read? What are the supporting details?
Preview Team Talk pg. 24 Team Talk question #1 focuses on our reading goal: Clarifying
Partner Reading – 10 minutes Partner Read- Page 52 As you read, stop to clarify As you read, add to your idea tree
Team Discussion Clarify sticky words with your team Discuss the team talk questions Write the answers to numbers 1 and 4 ONLY Vocabulary Practice If finished, practice fluency on page 50 or 52
Class Discussion What were some of the words your team clarified? Let’s look at our answers for the team talk questions