Welcome to AOSC200: Weather and Climate Discussion Sections 0101 & 0102 TA: Agniv Sengupta
About your TA Office hours: Fri 2:00-3:00pm in ATL3416, or by appointment. Email: agnivs@umd.edu
Welcome Please introduce yourself: name, program of study, and, any one notable weather event you experienced (exciting/terrifying)
About this Course AOSC200 Main course webpage: https://www.aosc.umd.edu/~tcanty/aosc200/ Past quizzes, exams, etc will be posted on ELMS Overall breakdown of grades: Admission Tickets 5% Topic of the day 10% Quizzes 20% Projects 20% Mid-Term 20% Final 25%
About the Discussion session We will review course material & discuss group projects All you need to know about the discussion is on my webpage: https://www.aosc.umd.edu/~asengupta/AOSC200/ I do NOT take attendance, but participation in discussion will affect your grade. For missed discussions, please refer my webpage for in-class presentations and other useful documents. BRING QUESTIONS (or email them to me).
What to expect from discussion… I’ll usually start the discussion by reviewing lecture material After ~30-35 minutes, I’ll let groups get together to discuss their projects On presentation days, there will only be presentations (no review) Do you need to attend discussion? I would recommend it Students tend to do better in the class when they attend discussion Attendance is important for group discussions your group will review each team member Attendance on presentation days is important there will be a classwork component that is added to your project grade
Weather and Climate Weather: Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a specific place over shorter time periods. There are many things we can measure to determine weather, for example, precipitation, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, etc. Climate: The slowly varying aspects of the atmosphere– hydrosphere–land surface system
Questions ? [7]