DOER recommendations for BBRS Building Energy Code 2018 DOER recommendations for BBRS
Pre-existing MA amendments Item Current State Proposed HERS ratings Currently HERS 55 with renewable tradeoffs Keep the same (IECC 2018 slips to HERS 61 with no tradeoffs) Commercial Efficiency Measure Options Currently C406 requires 2 out of list of 6 choices of additional EE measures Increase to 3 as MA IECC2018 options increase from 6 to 8-10 Passive house Currently in MA amendments as alternative compliance Update language to better conform to new DOE guidelines (remains voluntary compliance alternative) Site to Source Currently uses site to source factors (From DOER) that are out of date Update factors to most up to date ISO NE factors
Technical fixes / Loopholes Item Current State Proposed Residential HERS rating documentation This is lacking in the current MA amendments Add language similar to existing language for Energy Star Homes and Passive-house documentation ASHRAE Appendix G This has completely modified tables in the 2016 version that reference back to 2004 Keep existing Appendix G from ASHRAE 2013 – keeps the stretch code 10% unchanged Window ratio in multi-family This is lacking in ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G Add row to existing table G3.1.1-1 Mechanical room wall areas Mechanical room wall areas are being used to artificially increase mandatory wall areas Add footnote b. to existing table G.1.1-1 to exclude mechanical room wall area
EV Readiness in New Construction Item Current State Proposed Residential EV readiness BBRS asked its Energy Advisory board to review and provide language 50% of spaces – with exceptions Multifamily EV readiness 20% of spaces – with exceptions C&I EV readiness 5% of 1st 80 spaces and 3% of over 80, only for certain building types – with exceptions
Recommended Commercial Building Changes (1) Item Current State Proposed Encourage option for high-rise wood construction Pending change to IBC2021 with hearing this year Add to C406 options Efficient electric space and water heating (Heat Pump) option in C&I No encouragement for heat pumps in prescriptive code for commercial buildings Envelope Backstop Better align modeling and prescriptive paths with respect to envelope performance levels Make C406.8 option a requirement for buildings using modeling paths in C401.2.4