Example of Hooks School Choice – An Educational Custom Fit Thesis: There should be more Charter schools to provide more educational choices for students and parents. Stay at Home Moms Thesis: Stay at home mothers should be given more respect in society as they benefit the well-being of their child and aid in their development. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnq17dyxyu4
Why do we have to write essays, sir? To know the conventions/ingredients to writing essays. To understand the importance of following a structure to an essay. To be able to write a group essay on an issue using the appropriate conventions of an essay effectively. Point; Evidence; Explanation; Link; Thesis; Hook;
Point; Evidence; Explanation; To be able to evaluate the effectiveness of persuasive essays. Were you persuaded? Thesis: Video games (do not) have a negative effect on youth. As a class, let’s brainstorm some ideas about the negative effects of video games. You will write an essay as a group. This is to help you understand how to structure an essay before you start writing one. Thursday, we have the computer lab booked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOsqkQytHOs Point; Evidence; Explanation; Link; Thesis; Hook;
Point; Evidence; Explanation; Let’s start planning... Choose the essay topic that you think is most interesting to you. Please don’t change your mind too often. Brainstorm your ideas. Remember, you must keep your rough notes; however, I must see evidence that you have done some rough copies. I want you to choose one of these hooks, and I want you to write a potential thesis statement that goes with the same theme as these hooks. Work in your groups. (5 min.) Point; Evidence; Explanation; Link; Thesis; Hook;