Welcome to Back-to-School Night Ms. Mirhashemi Chemistry/Physical Science
Important Information I teach 5 periods of Chemistry My Conference period is 1st period
My Contact Information Tel: 7145693409 ext. 63409 Email: Niloufar.Mirhashemi@sausd.us
Student Expectations Come to class and be on time. Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school with you each day. Bring all necessary materials to class. Be an active learner- participate! Respect others.
Required Materials 2 Composition Notebooks: Highlighter One for Lecture Notes and One for Labs Scientific, non-graphing calculator – example TI-30X Writing utensils including: a pen, a pencil, and a red pen for correcting Highlighter
Grading Policy Notebook/Class work/Quizzes 20% Laboratory 25% Tests//Presentations 30% Final 25%
Grading Scale 90 – 100 % = A 80 – 89 % = B 70 – 79 % = C 60 – 69 % = D 59% and lower = F
Homework Homework is posted on Google Classroom If you wish to be included on classroom site please write your SAUSD EMAIL ADDRESS on sign-in Form
Excused Absences Late work must be turned in no more than two days following your return. To make up class work, labs, quizzes, and tests, you must make arrangements with the teacher to do it before or after school You have one week from the day you return to make up a missed test. See the teacher to make an appointment.
Grading Period Dates: 1st Grading Period: September 20th 2nd Grading Period: November 2nd Finals: December 18-20th