703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Agenda Introduction The Performance Management Cycle Setting Performance Standards, Assessing Performance, and Planning to Coach to Address Performance Deficits Supporting and Enhancing Staff's Commitment, Confidence, and Competence Conclusion and Evaluation 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Participants will be able to: Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify the steps in the performance management cycle Recognize methods to assess, support, and enhance staff's commitment, confidence, and competence 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Pennsylvania Child Welfare Competencies 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Section II: The Performance Management Cycle 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: The Performance Management Cycle Review pages PG, p. 5. Place a star next to the step in the cycle which you are most confident to perform. Circle the step in the cycle in which you are the least confident to perform. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Section III: Setting Performance Standards, Assessing Performance, and Planning to Coach to Address Performance Deficits 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Identifying Performance Standards, pp. 10-12 Think of a challenging behavior for one of one of your employees. Review the competencies and behavioral indicators for your identified employee’s role. Caseworkers: pp. 36-40 and Supervisors/Managers on pp. 41-50 in Appendix (Pennsylvania Child Welfare Competencies). Identify the competency and behavioral indicator related to that challenging behavior. (Raise your hand if your challenging employee’s behavior is not encapsulated within one of the competencies.) Circle a competency related to a challenging behavior for one of one of your employees on PG, page 10. Define the desired behavior by recording it in 2a. on PG, p. 11. Identify any specific knowledge, skills, and abilities related to this behavior which you believe your employee lacks relating to this behavior. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Assessing for Performance: PG, p. 14 Follow the instructions and answer the questions. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Planning for Performance Improvement: PG, p. 15 Follow the instructions and answer the questions. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Section IV: Supporting and Enhancing Staff’s Commitment, Confidence, and Competence 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Implementing Coaching Strategies: PG, pp. 25-27 Review your situation. With your group, respond to the issues and questions listed on the bottom of the page. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Coaching My Staff with Challenging Behavior: PG, p. 28 Explain your staff’s challenging behavior and your assessment. Answer the questions below in consultation with your partner. Ask for feedback. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Providing Feedback: PG, p. 31 Identify three things you can commit to enhancing in the area of feedback to support your staff’s performance. 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Performance Evaluation 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Activity Instructions: Performance Evaluation: PG, p. 32 Answer the following questions: Do your performance evaluations address all three types of questions? If not, which type of question are your evaluations lacking? Are you gathering enough data and providing sufficient feedback throughout the year on your staff to be able to sufficiently evaluate them at the annual performance evaluation? If not, what can you do differently within the performance management cycle to allow for this level of evaluation? 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Section V: Summary and Evaluation 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Participants will be able to: Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify the steps in the performance management cycle Recognize methods to assess, support, and enhance staff's commitment, confidence and competence 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement
Evaluation Instructions Go to www.pacwrc.pitt.edu/forms Select “Participant Feedback Form” Enter workshop ID Enter participant ID (e-learn username) 703: Coaching for Performance Improvement