Developing children’s reasoning and communicating skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
Aims To explore the use of digital cameras, visualisers and flip videos in the Primary classroom to promote children’s mathematical learning Increase understanding of and confidence in using these tools to support children’s mathematical understanding Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
In this session you will look at how teachers have used digital cameras, visualisers and flip videos to promote children's reasoning and communicating. The ideas are easy to implement and achievable in a busy classroom. There will be time to discuss the 'seed' ideas and look at ways of developing them in your setting. Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
Session outline 1. Cameras Problems from pictures Estimating using pictures 2. Visualisers 3. Flip videos Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
Problems from pictures See problems form pictures PPT for details Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
Estimation from pictures ‘It is very useful in life because it save time and money’ Y5 child ‘I found estimating a bit difficult but useful to. It is really difficult because you never know how much they could be of that thing and it is useful because you don’t have to count it all.’ Y4 child See Estimation from pictures PPT for information Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
Visualisers Demonstrate a technique which would otherwise be difficult to show to the whole class Model using some equipment that would otherwise be hard to see – snapshot feature Share children’s work with the whole class (with their agreement) When reading a maths story to the children, use the visualiser to show them the pictures - turn a regular book into a very big book! Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos
Use of flip video cameras to record a number of children’s explanations and then play them back to the class to discuss how to improve them. Then record a ‘good’ one and keep as a resource for the next time explanations are discussed as a model of a good answer to build from. to record a strategy such as how to use a protractor for VLE to record a strategy such as 7 times table (Andrew Jeffrey YouTube) and then ask the children to make the sound track when you play it on ‘silent’. Developing children's reasoning and communication skills using cameras, visualisers and flip videos