The European Urban Atlas project Michael Albás Unit C2 – Territorial Cohesion and Urban Matters
GMES – joint EC+ESA initiative 1998 User-requirements – consolidation – Urban Audit Land Monitoring Fast-Track Service CORINE Land Cover update + Urban Atlas Downstream services
Urban Atlas project GMES
How did we arrive at the Urban Atlas specification? GMES foresaw a bottom-up approach MOLAND model – Towards an Urban Atlas Regions and stakeholders were consulted (2005) to define needs and the path to achieve them Classification is CLC level 4 but compromised due to scale and economics (source data and methodology) Result is rather more of a top-down solution, more relevant from a European perspective Potential …indicators … integration ….
2 pilot sites (10x10 km) Bremen & Badajoz Standard input data: SPOT 5 data TeleAtlas street network Topographic maps Mapping guidelines Reference scale 1:10,000 Mapping unit 0,25 ha = 50m x 50m
Where are we today? Call for tender just launched Budget in 2008 €1,000,000 To be renewed twice for a year Reference year 2006 +- 1 year Goal is to cover all Urban Audit LUZs Ideally, updating should be less expensive and could be envisaged every 3 years Next update for reference year 2011
For more information: State of European Cities Report: