INTRODUCTION : key points enthusiastically endorsed by General Synod in July 2009 Good practice for parishes – help to develop strategy and identify priorities
A spontaneous response to the encounters of life: The Good Samaritan The sheep and the goats Money, love, time, compassion
A committed, planned response to the mission and ministry needs of our churches and charities we support.
Generous giving responds to a generous God Generous giving responds to a generous God. ‘We need to give rather than give to need’
Living generously requires abundant love: love for God love for neighbour love for God’s work
Four ‘yardsticks’: Setting giving in the context of income Seeing an impact on lifestyle Ensuring Giving is a priority – the ‘firstfruits’ When if it was given back, it would make a real difference. The first way that Giving for Life supports parishes is the simple ‘Pointers to Action’ tool on pages 7 and 8, which PCCs can use to assess strategy. Its recommended that PCC members first complete this individually, and then the scores are assessed. This allows people to express a diversity of opinion, rather than feeling they ought to agree with the first person to speak. People can quite legitimately have different views on these pointers, and understanding this diversity can lead to stronger action.