IATD Conference April, 2018 Crown Plaza Kim Lewis Funding and Disbursements 217/782-5256
Title I Update Excess Carryover Removed: 2017 into 2018 3/28-29/2018 Carryover is determined by 2017 FINAL EXPENDITURES and 2018 FIRST QUARTER EXPENDITURES. Important that these be correct SOON: Potential Carryover letters Waiver (once every 3 years) Relinquish Funds Amend to use
Title I Update
Title I Update FY19: Preliminary grant award received for Titles I, IIA and IV Title I: STATEWIDE: Slight increase from last year Title IIA: STATEWIDE: Very slight decrease from last year Hope to have to districts by end of school year FY18: received a small increase for Title I Will be allotted as was done in FY17, as additional carryover in FY19 FY18: carryover waivers (for carrying over more than 15%) must be to ISBE by project end date (for projects with $50,000 or greater current year allotment)
eGMS 2019 budget breakdown upload feature Only on initial apps Not recommended for entities with < 20 lines on the budget breakdown Follow instructions carefully – very specific steps
2019: Electronic Expenditure Reporting New section on indirect costs
Max Indirect Cost for this Report
2019 TRS (www.trsil.org)
HELP Funding and Disbursements: Kim Lewis, General Grant-Expenditure Reporting Questions/Issues (klewis@isbe.net) Beth Minder, Title I Waivers, Allocations (eminder@isbe.net) Jennifer Jonas, Expenditure Reporting, Vouchering (jjonas@isbe.net) 217/782-5256