AHS and Drug Use Information you might already know about the brain plus the Healthy Teen Survey Results from last year.
Excitement/Novelty/Risk/Peers Puberty = Serotonin Sensitivity to Dopamine Sensitivity to Oxytocin Excitement/Novelty/Risk/Peers
Adaptable Early use = risk of abuse and addiction Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity Early use = risk of abuse and addiction
Pruning and Strengthening Pruning = Neural Connections that are not used fall away. Strengthening = Neural Connections that get used, get strengthened and more efficient. Early use = risk of abuse and addiction
Alcohol affects the teen brain differently because of the critical brain development occurring from ages 12 through 20.
Coordination (balance/posture) Learning Problem solving Impacted by Drug, Alcohol and Marijuana Use Skills required for YOUR LIFE: Short-term memory Coordination (balance/posture) Learning Problem solving Executive Functioning Reaction Time Short-term memory Coordination (balance/posture) Learning Problem solving Executive Functioning Reaction Time
Exercise Helps: Dopamine : number of messengers/receivers Continued Exercise actually changes the physical make up of the brain (neuroplasticity) which allows more dopamine to be present in the system. Endorphins: Feeling of well being/physical wellness.
Concerned Friend Anonymous referrals Turn to someone next to you. Please discuss the following situations: 1. You end up at a party where there is alcohol. How do you handle the situation? How would your parents respond if you call them for a ride home? How would your parents respond if you ended up under the influence? 2. What do you do if you know a teammate (sports, theater, Speech& Debate, etc.) is using alcohol/drugs? What if it is influencing their performance? What if it is impacting the team’s performance?
Concerned Friend Anonymous referrals It is important to know that you can reach out to adult in the school to voice your concerns about a friend’s drug and alcohol use that will not involve your use to come into question, will not get them in trouble with the police and can maintain your anonymity if you so choose. You can also seek help for yourself! Talk to a counselor, the health center or any administrator for more details. Also, if someone is in trouble, you can always call 911. Again, the focus will be on helping the person in trouble and NOT your potential poor decisions that evening. AND your could easily save their life!
AHS Healthy Teen Survey Results Class of 2017
Healthy Teen Results The Good News: Ashland High School has a high score for protective factors that normally serve to keep students drug and alcohol free. This includes engagement in school and extracurricular activities, healthy habits, trusted adults in their lives, feelings of confidence and capability in life. Ashland: 69.3% Oregon: 59.3% Healthy Teen Results
The Not-So-Good News: Percentage of students who have used __ in the past 30 days: Ashland Oregon Alcohol 43.5 29.8 Marijuana 33.1 18.9 Other’s Prescriptions 8.7 6.2 Any illicit drug 33.1 19.6 including LSD, cocaine, ecstacy Healthy Teen Results
Healthy Teen Results Ashland 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 The Not-So-Good News: Comparing use in the last 30 days over the last 5 years: Ashland 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 Alcohol 38.9 43.7 43.5 Marijuana 32.0 30.4 33.1 Cigarettes 13.4 9.9 8.5 Illicit Drugs 32.5 31.5 33.1 Healthy Teen Results
Healthy Teen Results Ashland 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 The Not-So-Good News: Comparing perceived risk of regular use: Ashland 2011-12 2013-14 2015-16 Alcohol 78.9 81.2 77.3 Marijuana 46.3 34.5 31.1 Cigarettes 92.6 88.8 80.5 Healthy Teen Results
The Not-So-Good News: Comparing perceived availability as “easy to get”: Ashland Oregon Alcohol 70.9 66.0 Marijuana 78.4 67.9 Cigarettes 64.4 54.2 Coke/LSD/etc. 32.9 21.4 Prescription 46.0 39.5 drugs not yours Healthy Teen Results
The Not-So-Good News: Perceived Parental Attitudes towards Substance Use, i.e. parents would think it is “wrong” or “very wrong” to use: Ashland Oregon Daily Alcohol 86.1 90.8 Use marijuana 72.5 84.6 Smoke cigarettes 95.9 94.6 Use prescription drugs 93.6 95.3 not yours Healthy Teen Results
Class discussion: Why do you think these numbers are the way they are? What factors contribute to this situation? (Society, Environment, Parents, Peers, School, others) What can be done to reverse this trend? (School, family, peers, teachers?)
What do we do ? AHS Site Council is making this problem a focus this year. A group of concerned parents will be participating in round table discussions about how we can change this culture of use at AHS. We want to hear the students voices as well. Who wants to join the conversation?